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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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awww have a nice evening.

Poor you - you shouldve stayed and chatted to us.

My Ba$tard boyfriend doesnt want to see me still so he can f*** off too!!!!!! Arrrgghhh men!

Speak to you tomorrow Heros in a Half Shell! xxxxxx
aww no nat :O(

What happened whats with the man armageddon? Men are pr!cks ! Except for turtle ones of course.

Love you both long time !!! xx
laters fellow turtles much love XXXXXXXXXX
im back ?!?!?!
I am!!!!!
Good Morning Heros in a Half Shell!!!

How are you my little cute green friends?

th REAL admarlow is back......hmmm.....ur ban must be over!
can i be a turtle is there any room left mornin all;~)
I know the original me....I feel like a new man (not as green though). How are you turtle babes??
We gave pinkfizz the opportunity to be Turtle number four but i think ur here more than her fms!!

So what do u think admarlow? DO u think fms should be the new michelangelo?

Im good thanks - split up with my boyfriend last night when he came round (didnt last the break :o(), but he said to give it a chance and we'll go on a PROPER break - and only talk once on the phone etc one more chance it is...
hey nat I hope you are ok?? x x x (want me tomsend you some money?? ha ha ) ive got no problem with new turtles but pinkfizz might?
wasnt mich the surfey dude i could always be casy jones although hes not actually a turtle:~/
OK fms - how about u become Splinter? He's our leader and we look up to him :o)

Yeah im fine at the moment gonna try this other 'break' and if its not meant to be its not meant to be. thanks hunni xxxxx
ooooh splinter eh *ponders the idea
ok im in.. lets kick some shell
pizza anyone??
poor you!! well positive thoughts ey??? (you have school disco soon!!)
fms Kudos on casey joney I love it, I think you should be him as he came along a bit later, just like you did!!! nice one! /FE3BE671_1c.jpg
yeh and ive got the golf bag and evrything
oh i like it!!!

Welcome Casey me ol' chum!

Just so u know - heres the lowdown...

Leonardo - admarlow (aka Adam)
Donatello - spk (aka Siobhan)
MIchelangelo - pinkfizz (aka - unknown)
Raphael - nat_84 (as u know....natalie :o)

oh and...

Fitty - the bloke Dons shagg!ng...
lol nat - we did good guessing spk's name, I recon we got the 2nd name right to!! ha ha ha its only 39 days till i go away now....
how long is your break for honey??
Oh my gosh u are sooooooooo lucky!!! Never knew it was that soon!!!!

What am i gonna do without you!!!! ???????!!?
WHat are we gonna do without you!!!!?????!?!?!?!

I think u should stay :o(
i heard travelling around the world is over rated....:o\

I think we're gonna have like a two week break and only speak once a day....see if that helps.

(i am sooo bad at making tea and coffee - i feel so sorry for the guy i just made a coffee drinking a cup now and its rank! Also my boyfriends nan had a go at me for making a Sh!te cuppa tea once...i was so upset...first time i met her too!)
ha ha ha I bet you put too much milk in it!!! (you have just made me want a coffee.......)
No it was a black coffee he was way too strong, only because last time i made one i thought it was too weak....

Never seem to get it right :o(

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