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How did all spend your weekend?

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PinkFizz | 13:27 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
717 Answers
Did you weekend go according to plan or not? Did you do anything that you wouldnt normally do,and where did you go? And did you make the most of it or was it 2 days that you could have done so much more with?


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now mines not got enough sugar


Where are you SPK??? I hope you are not ''working again''
I know! Where is she....its been a busy week for her!! Very unusual.....

Maybe she's just day dreaming about fitty all the time!
Mornin my turtle doves of love !!
FMS welcome !
Nat- do you need me to send fitty round? I can tell him to bring the disguise masks?? :O x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
you are very generous spk!! ha ha ha a
Give it two weeks hun - then i may require his services. thanks for the generosity.

Oh well, on the bright side of things, me and my friends are going out to get p!ssed tonight and plan our holiday to Cancun! wooo hoooo!!!

Anyone else out tonight?
yep just a few drinks to warm up for the weekend.....

wooo hooo - so hopefully we can discuss and sympathise with each others hangovers tomorrow!

although im gonna try not to get too drunk coz my boss will be in....what about u spk?
Im doing a sleepover at fittys we have a long weekend ahead. Maybe the break will do you both good Nat *que sera sera, whatever will be will be, the futures not oooouuurss to seeee que sera sera * :O) xx
beautiful words moved me!!
did I make yer pants ping admarlow?
Question Author
Good god - you lot are still hiding out here!!
we are pinkfizz how are ya !
This is our secret sewer Michel...... *ssshhh....*

lmao spk. U crazy gal u!
hey pinkfizz this is the clubhouse now... (we owe you some rent!!)
so who is having what for lunch? Ive eaten all mine except for a penguin bar I hate bringing a packed lunch it never lasts past 10.30
i hate packed lunch i even refused to have it at school, Im not sure, what im having not that hungry yet as didn't have breakfast long ago...
Turtles.....I have never...............................
I dont have breakfast always a blind panic for me in the morning getting up at the last minute throwing myself in the shower and bolting out the door with one eye still shut and a big damp patch on my back from my hair. Not a morning person. Trying to save money now I have a mortgage to pay again the joys. So dairylea sambos penguin bars and hula hoops for me these days
never what? Eh who where huh????
Ohh is it like a competition.

Emm I have never... emmm

I have never owned a batman suit

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