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his manager (my new manager-eek) has been off on holiday all through this. my ops manager seemed concerned and we had a long chat. she agreed he doesnt know what he is doing and that when she went over to evesdrop ( i had warned him she was coming so as i was honest with him!! big mistake!!), she couldnt hear or see a problem!! she asked other staff in the office and no-one backed me up (even though its open plan to the public and the language is despicable!). anyway, i was sent back today and nothing had changed....honestly, the boys were even discussing a 'gang bang' and worse and the trainers turned a blind eye. im at my wits end knowing where to go, i even said to my boss that if that was the level of training and support we were offering then i didnt want to be part of that and i would resign. she just laughted it off basically! im disgusted.....we are supposed to offer training, motivation and support to young people looking for work..good one!!!