i think there was a mixup between between cool_russian and cool-russian. I think the one with the underscore was claiming to be the russian and was banned 4getmenot
ah yes could be redcrx thats the one, and you think I can find an old post in all this mess now. yer right! sorry cool-russian, but still dont think you are the russian
I think that on the link I posted, cool_russian has been zapped, as the threads don't follow and peeps appear to be speaking to someone no longer there!! Lol
at first look it seems like someone trying to set up 4getmenot but i really cant see why cool-russian (who i dont think is anything to do with trolls) would do that.
45703 seems to think 4get is CR but many of us know thats not true.
isnt pingu on anymore Boo?