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wizzer | 17:06 Thu 26th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
68 Answers
my partner has just told me that they dont love me anymore. we have been together 5 years, they are my life we have 2 kids, I feel like someone has just stuck a knife in my heart, I have never felt pain like it, Its like someone has just ripped my heart into two. My life consists of my family and now its been ripped apart that i dont know what to do, They have just gone to work and i have to carry on as normal infront of the kids. I dont know how i'm gonna cope. I gave up my family for this person. I now have no-one They will take the kids and I will move out.


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Ok I think I know who you are now. Just because you are the father doesnt m,ean you have to not see the kids. If you are who I think then you are a househusband yes and is this why you think she will kick you out?
wizzer, you will always have your kids, dont doubt that. Even if you dont have custody you will get access.
It all seems so bleak at the moment but you dont have to leave the family home if you are joint owners, so dont do anything rash. Sit down and talk it out properly before making decisions.
im thinking of the same person 4getmenot.
So was it just a big row and could have just been all talk from her to scare you. I think you'll find it hasnt ended most couples will go through alot of arguing before they end it rather than just say it and walk out to work. I think you two need a good chat.
sorry i thought u was a woman . ur kids will never stop loving u .give her some space 2 clear head maybe she is mixed up at mo .we all have problems in our relationships at some time .u both need 2 sit down on ur own some where and talk when no kids around .just give her some space
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i am who u think i am 4getmenot and redcrx please dont tell anyone.
I won't either! Know you must be feeling awful but until you can sit down with her to get to the bottom of how strong her resolve is and whether there is still the possibility of working on the issues, you can't get any further in deciding what your next move is. Hopefully, you will be able to convince her that you can work together on whatever she sees as problems
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thank you suzyboo
do you think it is a permanent thing or just us woman crying out for some attention?
not a word wizzer. I hope you can resolve this. You both need to sit down and be open with your feelings. If anything is bothering either of you, money, work, anything that is affecting the relationship then it must be discussed if you are to work through this

Good luck x
Well I thought I knew who it was but am not so sure now.

Big big hugs to you anyway.xxxxxxxxx
act like u dont care .thats what i do withhe soon says sorry 4 saying such hurtfull things. hope it works out 4 u
its obvious who you are!
Do I know you wizzer?
we all know wizzer but if he wants to be anonymous for a while then secrets safe with me. xx
yes it's obvious who you are...still you obviously don't want us to say it out we'll respect that.

Like to echo everyone else and say that you obviously need to sit your partner down and talk this out- it may be repairable you know.

also like to repeat what someone else said too- even though it's a small consolation we are here if you need to whinge, moan, bitch cry etc.

Take care

as long as you make time to talk to her first before you get the 'and you never get off that bloody computer!' :-)
sleepyj are you new?
Can I just say though...bloody awful way of telling you....dropping it on you like a bombshell then going off to work???
Thats coz we are bitches BOO :-)

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