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Bush speech

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Champagne | 13:54 Fri 27th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
As we don't have a politics section, I thought I'd post this here. ;o)



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lol - very funny,especially the burping!!
Im howling at this lol, cheers for that champs :D
Hi champagne,

That is a great link, he spoke well,kept farting & burping though xx
And we do have a politics section ya dozy bag- it's a sub category under News.


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I know Boo, but if I'd put it there it wouldn't have been discovered for a couple of centuries. ;o)
That web site is excellent.
Have any of you played this:

Really made me laugh, and it's been going round the office all morning. Enjoy. x
hi champs,
very good indeed, enjoyed it very much, really cheered me up, but you know champs the frightening thing is 50%
of americans believe evey word this moron speaks.

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