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broom stick

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sleepyj | 21:54 Sun 29th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
i cant get my broom stick 2 work i need it 2 fly on on tuesday .any 1 know why it wont start lol


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use the hoover instead
have you put weight on?

Are you lacking a cat?

Are you sitting on the hosepipe ******?

Any of these are quickly remedied! :-)
dont be stupid!!!

its the other one in the cupboard that fly's....not that one!!!!
When was it last serviced?

I do hope its properly taxed and insured as well
you need to chant these words.......

saites dee.

happy flying! :o)
Question Author
any 1 want any spells put on some one let me know i will do it lol

aah it's ok, I'll do it myself, it's more fun that way! }:o)
The flying pigs have swine fever

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broom stick

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