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admarlow | 12:52 Wed 08th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
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Ooh, perks of the job, eh? ;o) I haven't seen it yet, but it's supposed to be good. Borat is actually staying in the hotel we will be; The Wellington (my friend has been and said it's a lot nicer than it's made out in the film, LOL!). Think I'll just have a lazy evening myself, Sex and the City DVDs and some pasta, I think.

Those parties will be amazing. Can't wait to see your photos!

Have a good night, hun. 'See' you tomorrow. Mwah! x
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I nearly fell off my chair, 1st I couldn't work out what 200 was then you said

''probabily stay in and have a lazy one, sex...''

I didnt see the rest!! ha ha ha ha speak soon x xx
LMAO! I aim to please! :o))

Bye, babe! x
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Hey!! how is everyone?? XX
Hello :) stopped blubbing now :)
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good xxx when are you off to the vet? I hope the doctors yesterday was ok to...
Ten to 5 at the vets.

Doctors was ok, they're reviewing me in a week so got to wait and see :) he said something's not right...eeek!

Buongiorno! :o)

How you doing, ad? Did you have a good night? How was the film?

Big hugs, Jenna! xxx
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Im sure its nothing, if it was they wouldn't leave it a week!!
Oooh what's this preview your answer thing...good grief!!!

How are you?
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its so you can check things like this worked!! ha ha

Im ok, I feel like I have a hangover even though I didn't drink last night, I think its the jabs I had.
Yeah, sure it'll be fine :)
Awww no, they can do funny things to you though, had to have a load done when i went to Romania
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Oh hi WS, Im good how are you?/ xx the film was good, Miss A went as far to say ''funniest film ever''

Jenna - BTW I went to see Borat last night.
Thanks honey :) I'm ok, it's kinder for him bless him.

Not seen that one yet, not been to the cinema for far too long lol. OMG think it was POTC2 on a date and Reeker before that on another date!
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POTC2 - I had to google that!! lol

get you with all the dates!!
I know lol, been on loads as joined a dating agency :)
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really!!!! hows it going? If I was single, I would definatly do that!! I bet it loads of fun, did you tell them what you are looking for or do they just send pictures?
LOL! I might have to check it out in that case! I've been subjected to impressions from my little brother for the last week. He does a mean Bernard Chumley (Little Britain) though, I'll give him that.

Will you be going to see Jack*ss 2? ;o)

Get you, Jenna, hun! ;o)

Think when I last went it was to see Saw III xxx
You put profiles on and can contact or be contacted. Piccies are optional but I have some up.

Had over 20 dates over a few months and all really nice guys as well. No knight in shining armour yet but made some great friends and met some lovely people :)

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