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admarlow | 12:52 Wed 08th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
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Miss Admarlow used to work in HR for Royal Bank Of Scotland, want be to pull some strings?? XX
Awh thanks Whiskey I have a big bonafide cheesy now ! Thanks hun !

Im leaving in 20 mins so I will let you know how it goes.

Ad- RBOS, ooh thats the dark side they a wery bed bank
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well spk, Ill be sending you good thoughts, you have as good as got it!! XX
Thanks chuck ! Im good at talking sh*te in interviews so hopefully..

Catch up tomorrow !
X - For Whiskey
X- For Admarlow
X- For Nat

XXXX - For any randoms reading this thread but not participating
You'll do it, babe, piece o' cake!

Thinking of you xxxxx
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I love the randoms who pop up in the middle of things!!

(thats not you Whiskeysheri, you are part of it!!!)

... but it was me, hun! <sob>

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no, because you got your very own X from spk!!
I'm proud of myself for two reasons now! :o))

Got much planned for tonight, hun? Where'd nat go? x
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well it being thursday I feel I should go out and drink too much and have the customary Friday hangover!!, what about you??
Ooh, sounds good, babe. Me, I'm taxiing for my little sis and taking her to Ikea. I don't want to go, I'll end up spending... :o)

Getting as many 'drinking nights' in as you can before you go? x
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yea I am!!, I might be on msn before I go out, (ive nmanaged to get 3 sony psp's that I need to put on ebay)
Sorry I missed you, babe, had to rush off...

Hope you're having a fab, drunken eve! ;o) x
Good morning my little turtle buddies!

Sorry i went quiet yesterday afternoon - i started playing yahoo poker - trying to learn and im finding it quite addictive (not gambling with real money YET!)

spk- how did the interview go?
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yea spk, what are the vibes??

*admarlow begins to think he is going to have to keep an eye on nat*
Hey, how you all doing? :o))

How did you get on, spk, hun?

What have you all planned for the weekend then? x
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Hey WS, darling, how was Ikea

admarlow fact # 4574 - Admarlow used to go out with a swedish girl as therefore can speak swedish, Hej, Shinna hu mar du? which makes ikea especially fun!!
Hey folks !

Interview went great thanks got a second interview so all good !! xxx

I believe there is a new question in B and S that needs your attention ...
Ooh, ad! Turned me on, that did! ;o) You'll tell me it was about Swedish meatballs or flat-pack furniture now, won't you? :o)

I think I must've missed the other 4573 admarlow facts... :o(

Ooh, well done, spk, babe! Good for you! I'm sure you'll get it. Keep us updated.

Where's nat disappeared to again? :o( x
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I said hey, hello how are you... i didn't get the omlauts right (the dot things and I can spell in english let alone swedish.

Try this Ja Asker dig, lilla pluten.

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