We live in a world where something has to have come from some kind of source.
So if this is the case where does matter come from. What is before matter and what put it there.
Does this not indicate that there is some kind of higher being that has just always been there to have arrange the matter and make the world we live in today possible?
The most logical answer I can come up with is that being in this body form we cannon comprihend the fact that matter has always been there and it has come from nothing.
Maybe we have to be in a different form to understand this concept? I don't know but it seems to be the most logical answer to me.
izzymem, I think you have hit upon God, and I agree with you. Even the greatest cynics like Dawkins are hard put to explain where everything started.
I like the idea of God, and in complete harmony with all my logic and scientific training I believe in it. Just go into the garden and stare at the moon and stars, it's incredible.
I do looks at them. I mean when you take things how they are and go back and back and back and back to where it all could have come from it just stops. And the only thing I can think of is that the source of it has always been there. It must have. We are here today. It makes sense. The something that has made today has come from nothing. And nothing has always been there. If that makes sense.
So it only leaves you to believe that there is a God that has made these changes for us to live the way we are.
To me this is logical. And the proof is that we are here.
larkin, I was biologically created by my parents, and at some stage in that process God injected a soul, and I hope a good one. It is naive and dull, unscientific, and implausible, but it works for me because it has a completeness and a touch of warmth that is entirely lacking in scientific diatribes.
I never said I knew the answers, and indeed I don't, All I'm saying is that just because we cant explain something, it doesn't mean that it is all down to God!!
Now keep your hair on, stop getting so excited whiffey.
well something has put us here. something that has always been there. otherwise we would not be here. does that not give you an idication that something or some kind of intelligence which must have always been there has done this?
If not then where else could it come from than from a being (source) that has always been there. I cant see any other angle?
izzymem, you hit the nail on the head there with your last sentence!! "I cant see any other angle" just because we cant see, doesn't mean its not there!!
BUT YOU CAN SEE IT. you are it. you are the result of it!! the result of the thing that has put or created you. the source, matter god or what ever you want to call it. you can see it because you are the end result of it creating u. so what are u talking about!