eyeshade ... I have to tell you it is this kind of remark about the Germans that I find so annoying! Apart from the fact that generalising about people is always going to be unfair to some, I am hoping that you made this remark out of ignorance. I am Irish, but lived in Germany for 28 years and in France for about 4. The German people I came to know were extremely hospitable and friendly, worked hard, respected others and to be honest, they socialise far more than I have ever experienced here in the UK. And yes, they do have a sense of humour!!! Just because it is not the same as the British sense of humour, doesn't mean they don't have one! It is just a matter of understanding their ways. The Germans absolutely love British humour!! And as for arrogance ... the older Germans generally are a bit more reserved than Brits are, but it is a form of politeness built into the German language and upbringing, dictated by the fact that there you address a stranger verbally in a more formal way and a friend in a far more casual way. The younger Germans however often dispense with the formalities nowadays. But at the end of the day ... I think it is best to judge a person by their character, not their nationality.