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Will this be successful?

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##Wardy## | 17:42 Fri 08th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
61 Answers
If I set up a "fat camp" for overweight yet middle class children during school holidays, would it be a success?

I have quite a few spare bedrooms, live on a couple of countryside acres and know more about health and fitness than the majority of so called experts. I can also arrange a good cook no problem.

With the relevant health and safty measures and CRB checks certificated I could be doing some good for the health of the nation and make a tidy sum in return.

Am I on to a winner, or wasting my time?



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Octavius, right credentials??

I do not have a criminal record, have a good education, am a retired Captain, have the right property and consider myself very fit for my age.

Granted I dio not have any sports qualifications as such, but to the best of my knowledge, this is an unregulated industry anyway.
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I would n`t send an overweight dog there let alone a child.
What happened to the idea of coming up with suitable names for this place?
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As you know im ex military, I could help you run your "fat camp", and qwhile we're at it, we could bury the hatchet, what do you say?
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excuse me john please address wardy as captain.
Soon as he addresses me as Staff, crete
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recognised qualifications?
I'll have you know caz I trained Army recruits for years, all my qualifications are still recognised
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Of course, Im a First Aider trainer, BTTLS+BARTS, (thats advanced battlefield first aid) map reading, NBC defence, Small Arms instructor, drill+ Aikido arrest and restrain instructor, you need current qualifications for that
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lol daisy, very true, I dont think he could run a bath let alone a fat camp. anyway im off doon the pub for a few G+T's, didnt mean to hijack your post "wardy" here you are.
Chers all!

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