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##Wardy## | 17:42 Fri 08th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
61 Answers
If I set up a "fat camp" for overweight yet middle class children during school holidays, would it be a success?

I have quite a few spare bedrooms, live on a couple of countryside acres and know more about health and fitness than the majority of so called experts. I can also arrange a good cook no problem.

With the relevant health and safty measures and CRB checks certificated I could be doing some good for the health of the nation and make a tidy sum in return.

Am I on to a winner, or wasting my time?



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I can't cook but i can shop well.
I'm glad you yolks posted all these answers....prooves my point don't ya think Daisy.....Can't keep your nose out of it

ps.....I think Daisy has a secret crush on Ward!!!!
Which folks, which answers ummmmmm ? Bit of a head-scratcher that one !
ive got the hots for wardy. but dont think he knows
Well tell him now crete2, and be sure to expound on the elegance of talking about "fat" and "middle-class". Stick your nose in the air when you do and squeeze tightly on your monocle as you summon the butler.
Yolk Whiffey....something my family and I say. As in 'If youse yolks don't packet in i'm gonna lose the plot'
Why not just turn it into a B & B?
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It was a joke....maybe not your sense of humour though and maybe not mine but a joke!!!

Is this a spelling test?

Daisy, the problem is that you are so repetitive. We have read the same thing over and over again. This is Wardy's thread and here you are again saying the same things. I read the arson thread, I read your replies and I read them again and again. Just a bit bored of it now
"Prooves" ummm? Who cant (can't) spell then? Nah (No) I reckon Ward fancie's (fancies) me. Afterall,(after all) I am Welsh and a peasant, Oh,what more could a errrm (errrm?) man? wish for? Tell you what ummm. JohnLambert and I know more about Ward than you'll ever know. John actually challenged Ward to meet up with him but the "Brave Soldier" backed down,aww diddums. How can you befriend someone who delights in wishing cancer on other's,even kids! Plus he laugh's at the elderly,care homes etc and thats just for starter's. If you condone that you must be just like him. Daisy,just in case you forget.

Just a reminder.....use the space bar and take literacy lessons before correcting anyone else Daisy. You do make yourself look a fool!!!!!!!!
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It just seems Daisy that as soon as Wards name is mentioned, no matter what the question, you start going on about the same thing. That's whats boring. Stick up for whoever you feel the need to stick up for but dragging everything Wardy has ever said is it a little tedious now and at many times completely irrelevant.

I made a spelling mistake and you pulled me up but yet haven't aknowledged my correction's from your answer. This is not a spelling site and I also find that rather tedious.

Yes, I am a nice person.
Ummm, I could'nt post about Ward without mentioning his name could I? As for spelling,maybe we're both not perfect? John uses JohnLambert with no space in between and as for "Fancies or Fancie's" seem's we both had it wrong as those are those little fondant cake's. It's actually "Fancy's". Im a nice person too you know.
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