Whats the opposite of a palpitation? For the past few days i have had this slow thudding feeling near my heart/between the breast area. I am 34,healthy and never ill. My mum reckons its stress, i do have a few things on my mind but i am definetely not stressed. I will go to the doctor but just wondered if anyone got a clue??
i had the same thing a few months ago...........especially when my eldest started school!! so it could be stress, do you have the feeling of being on a mild roller coaster aswell?
Palpitations are the awareness of your heartbeat, fast or slow in the chest. More than likely it's stress......it could be something that's on your mind troubling you more than you think. There are tablets to reduce this if needed.
With anything like this you should just get it checked out by your GP. i am sure it is nothing but worrying about it will not help. The time of yr - the change of weather, the little stress of xmas etc doesnt help but pop along to the Doc anyway
It sound's like palpitaion's anderlee. I get them with a skipped beat and just like rudgleyboy described like a mild roller coaster feeling. Mine came on when I started the menopause and it's a common occurance. If you're stressed out it's more than likely that which is causing the thudding but best to see you GP to be on the safe side.
I have just been to see the doctor with similar symptoms.
I could feel my heart beating (quite irregularly) even in my head ! I had stuffy type headaches too. The Doctor said it is a type of virus which can effect the heart beat, but there is nothing to worry about, just take paracetamol for the headaches. I am sure you will be fine.