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I give up!!!

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Eve | 11:30 Fri 05th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
Well after losing my job and the whole breast lump thing my agency i had secured some locum work with have just pulled my assignment as I have had to be off for medical appointments.

She was questioning whether I should be going for the 3 interviews that I have next week until I've got my health issue sorted out.

My head's in a bit of a spin at the moment, I'm worried about money coming in esp as the money I thought i'd have coming in from the locum work will now not happen. I'm financially self supporting and have my flat and bills and everything to pay for.

Any tips would be very much appreciated about where I go from here.



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Hi hun.That's a bit mean of them isn't it!! What about going to another agency and just saying upfront that you have a couple of previous appointments booked which you need to keep.You don't have to say what they are for surely.
What a bummer !!!! yeah, I'm with PinkFizz on this... i think you should try other agencies and be up front at the interview, if you want to tell them you have medical appointments they might be more sympathetic. If anyone has any heart at the agency, they will appreciate the fact that you have been honest, they might be able to find you a job to work around the appointments even. I think you should still go for the interviews next week, but be sure to tell them you have appointments already made for medical reasons (you dont have to give details if you don't want to).
Get some professional help on your financial side if you get into difficulty. The hospital or clinic should be able to give you some information who to contact if you lose your job or suchlike - don't let it get too far...
Good Luck and keep updated. x x x
job centre ?
HI Jenna you poor gal, You were looking forward to that job agencies are crap, The way they can pull the rug under your feet just like that. Are there any other agencies near by? It is discrimination though you cannot help having health worries.

I remember once I got a very bad case of poultry food poisoning and had to go into hospital, I was temping at the time and in hospital just for the weekend so missed no work. I travelled 30 ,miles to the job the next day and there was another girl sitting at ,y desk working away. they had replaced me and not bothered to tell me.

I hope you work something out, keep us posted either here or MSN x
HI Jenna you poor gal, You were looking forward to that job agencies are crap, The way they can pull the rug under your feet just like that. Are there any other agencies near by? It is discrimination though you cannot help having health worries.

I remember once I got a very bad case of poultry food poisoning and had to go into hospital, I was temping at the time and in hospital just for the weekend so missed no work. I travelled 30 ,miles to the job the next day and there was another girl sitting at ,my desk working away. they had replaced me and not bothered to tell me.

I hope you work something out, keep us posted either here or MSN x
I think you should definitely go ahead with the other interviews, your health problem isn't affecting you physically at all at the moment so why stay at home and worry about something that you can't control (other than going for medical appts).
If you impress them enough at the inteviews, you could perhaps stall and ask for some time before you decide to join the company. Or you could at least secure a place and keep in touch with the HR there so that they can always contact you when another (maybe even better) opportunity arises.

Good Luck.
sorry to hear your bad luck... look at the bright side your getting better!!!! check with your doctor and ask if you should return to work , take it easy , be nice to your self , cast your mind back to the worry you had when you found your lump ... you can handle this ... ask at the hospital you attended and see if they can offer some support or councilling , or ring a cancer support group for advice .

rememeber thousands of women wont see next xmas ... turn this into a positive ...
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Thank you everyone :)

Had quite a productive day today, got registered with a GP. They were so helpful and have booked me in to see a doctor on Monday about the other lump and to get a smear test done. The doctor i'm seeing is also very experienced in lumps and such and is also a surgeon so a great person for me to see :)

The were explaining about what to expect at the breast clinic next Friday which was really useful, the clinic are sending me out some info so should get some more info then as well.

I also spoke to work again, although still not the person I need to speak to who is proving rather elusive. But managed to have a good chat with someone else which was quite useful.

Going to do some swatting up for my interviews, 1 Monday and 2 Tuesday so got that to keep me focussed :)
how did you get on ?

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