Is anyone else as terrified of them as me? i have a check up next week and im nervous already :((( xxxxxxxx What other relatively normal thing terrifies you? xxxxxx
I don't like the Dentist either. Evil people!!! I also hate blood tests now, thanks to the Midwife who made may vein pop really loudly when taking my
Height, I'm terrified of heights. I have had a bad spell with my last dentist, she put me through hell, I have now changed dentists and I am fine again.
flying although after the great flights i had in september, that phobia has subsided just a little, thank the lord!!!!! .I am a bad traveller altogether really, thats in any form.
I dont so much mind injections, but i do hate having blood taken. Makes me go all weak and theres no way i can watch it!!
the dentist is the only thing i'm terrifed of! give me spiders, snakes creepycrawlies anything except the dentist! like you, i even hate going for the checkups ! when i have to go i always tell the receptionist i'm waiting outside doing my very deep breathing to keep me calm!!
i hate them with a vengence!! i have to go to the dentist tomorrow afternoon and im dreading it, ive always had problems with my teeth i had braces on for 5 years!! it was hell, but my teeth are nice and straight now. but now i have a wisdom tooth coming down at the back now and its turned sideways pressing into my jaw, its killing me. i heard somewhere that getting a wisdom tooth out is really painful, is this true? does anyone know?
There are a couple of NHS dentists in this area who advertise that they specialise in nervous patients. I think they must do relaxation techniques or even hypnotherapy...not sure, as going to the dentist doesn't bother me (I'm scared of public speaking myself even in a small group, although singing and performing doesn't bother me at all!) I don't know how many dentists in other areas do that relaxation thing.
buzybee, I had to have all four wisdom teeth extracted for the same reason as you, and it didn't hurt much at all...nothing liked I had imagined (although the sound effects were a bit weird!) I wouldn't worry about it at all!
But I am also afraid of change and looking stupid. Quite crippling really.
I can never bring myself to do anything unless I absolutely have to. Probably why my life is going nowhere.
Hi carla
I am not overkean on dentists, mainly because i worry about how much they have had to pay out for all their fancy computers and BMWs, that often gives me sleepless nights.