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Little annoyances

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Panic Button | 13:38 Mon 15th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
95 Answers
Do you have little things that bug you?

I just went to the shop for milk and a couple of things. Only had a �20 note. Why do the assistants put your notes in your hand and then coins on top? They almost skid off as you try to get the coins to put in your wallet and then the notes.

Got home and made a cup of tea. Opened the milk, but couldn't find the tab to pull to tear off the foil lid. It has only stuck to the lid and torn off as I unscrewed it.



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if i had done that i would have got a thick ear julie and i wouldnt have done it again
Them stupid emails people send you saying so and so has tagged you.......fcuk off....I'm in my 30's I don't want to be tagged
people who talk about how they can build a pc out of egg cartons and make it so it can make the sunday roast for you - go outside and get some sun on your face nerd!
those e mails that you get that has your e mail address on the top so that people you dont even know can see it
those e mails that say "this is really funny" when it blatantly isnt
Bob, are you in one??????????x
Sorry, that was Telford speak!!!!! Bob, are you in a bad mood?????????x
Or the ones that say send this on to 1,000,000 people and see what happens

Nothing happens
people who e mail someone when they are 2 feet away from them
"Comedy" mobile phone ringtones. Hate them.
those trolley things that old women trail behind them, trying to get a sandwich at lunchtime and you cant because the House husband or 84 year old who has all day to buy a sandwich chooses between 1 and 2 to do so
(on the email trail) the ones that people - usually friends send you saying .........'send this to 15 people including the oringinal sender and if you do it in 1 day, you will get fantastic news via the phone at 11pm tonight, if you send it to 5 people you will get fantastic news within 3 days etc etc.. i used to send them on, now i just think..............F*** off.
Oh and Whiffey..........i do that conveyor belt thing ALL THE TIME it drives them MAD!! also i refuse to move up every inch, i just wait til the person infront of me has paid up and gone!!
Txt spk ...

Learn to spell, you morons
bob, if i gave my son a thick ear in a public place, for one, he would scream twice as loud and for another i would probably get the anti smacking brigade slipping some handcuffs on me!
believe you me, however much it gets to you to hear a kid screaming in a shop, it gets to the mother 10 times more! at least you can walk away from it! lol
Julie, I just whisper threats to my children!lol That sometimes works.x
Katie, mine is better now he's 3, it was when he was 2 and stuff like that didnt work! Now i always turn to a bit of blackmail, usually does the trick! lol
Yes Katie I ask mine if they would like to visit the toilets
could you not try what that woman does in the advert and throw yourself on the floor in a tantrum? the look on his face is truly shock i think : )
I'll give it a go next time I'm in Tesco's and let you know how I get on!x
I have done that at home and it works!!!!!

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