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redcrx | 15:20 Mon 22nd Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
I have seen a few articles and tv programs over the years about young children having spoken about their 'previous lives'. Most of the time ive decided its all a bit of a con or encouragement by parents but some stories have left me wondering if its more than just coincidence.
The other day I was sat with my son and suddenly he stopped playing, made the sign of the cross on his body, you know the head, chest, shoulder, shoulder and then put his hands together and head down as if praying. He stayed like this for a couple of seconds and then started playing again as normal.
No-one in our family is religious in as far as going to church and I cant think where he may have got this from. I asked him to do it again and he just looked blankly at me as if he didnt know what he had done.
Has anyone else experienced anything like this?


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that is a bit weird, maybe he saw it on tv or something?
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give it a rest bovva, I didnt say answer your question as I would have nothing to say that you would like to hear, because I read your second and thrid posts prior to your original one.
It does not bear any relation to this genuine question of mine so perhaps you could continue your arguments elsewhere. Thank you
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i did think that sunflower. But he doesnt watch a lot of tv and the stuff he does watch is things specifically for babies and Im not sure they cover faith and religion on those.
When my girls were two, we were watching the news one day while they played about at our feet. A report of a car crash came on and when it cut to pictures of the smashed car one of them freaked out. She started crying and saying it was 'bad. It hurt my legs'. We tried to question her a bit more but she just kept repeating that , very insistent her legs had been hurt. Once she'd had a cuddle she went back to her game and has never mentioned anything like it again.

I don't know if all parents experience this but I definitely have moments where my kids will say or do something that seems outwith their family or experience and I just think 'Where did you pick that up from?'
Don�t you remember lil sis freaking out one day round nans. She was about 8 and its when me and her used to go round on Saturdays and all of a sudden as we were eating dinner she started shouting and screaming that she wouldn�t eat her dinner as nan had poisoned it, and it was like it wasn�t her sitting there like she�d been possessed by something and she kept saying �read me a story, read me a story�, she doesn�t remember much about it now, but she wouldn�t go near nan and mum and dad had to come get her, and she didn�t go round there again on her own for years.
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yinyang. Thank you, at least i know it may be something that all kids do. I know we cant be sure exactly what our children pick up from overheard conversations, tv etc but this seemd like such a strange thing for a child to do.
How old is your son? Has he picked it up from nursery or school?
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I recall her not wanting to visit nan 4get but I dont remember why. Thats really strange, i wonder if she remembers now.
she remembers not wanting to go round there but most of the stuff she knows is what I've told her. It was really upsetting because she upset nan
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He is 18 months old, he doesnt go to a nursery and either he is with me or my mum so i know what her watches and listens to pretty much all the time. My mum doesnt know where he may have got this from.
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oooh how strange it looks now with missing posts :)
my first one went :-(
i have read a lot about this. one book i can recall was by edgar cayce.

one story i alway remember was when a parent was walking past as graveyard with their 3 year old and he told them that that is where his other mummy and daddy put him in the ground...

the theory about kids is largely that their minds are empty of memories, of learnt things, of knowledge and that why these 'memories' remain for a few years, until their current life takes over and they forget.
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ooh i think if he told me where he'd been buried in a previous life Id really be spooked.
I shall certianly be keeping an eye out for anything else unusual. He calls his dummy by a name we had never used or heard before. Someone mentioned to my dad last week that the word he uses is French for dummy so that was a bit strange too.

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