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I feel guilty

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liquidspace | 13:04 Thu 25th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
for something I did a few years ago. It was wrong and I should have thought of a better way of handling the situation. I had four cats and instead of finding them homes I put them in the car and let them free a few miles from my house, I feel really bad about it and wish I could turn the clock back. It was crazy because I actually adore animals. I was pressured by someone to do it but clearly didnt think it through. Not sure what I can do now to make amends.


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nothing you can do now...

just don't do anything like it in the future :o)
I can understand why you feel guilty but what is done is done. What about making a donation to the RSPCA or working a few hours volunteering in a animal centre or something. Would ease the guilt and give something back?
Dont beat yourself up too much - many people do ALOT worse
One thing not to do..Don`t put this in Animals and Nature.
your right, it was a wrong thing to do. however, if you let them go in a residential area, they probably were adopted by some loving family.

why did you get rid of them by the way?

perhaps donate money &time to a local RSPCA?
I think most people have done something they regret - we all make mistakes. The thing that makes the difference between a good person and a bad one is good ones a conscience which you clearly have.
Well can't cry over spilled milk, so don't beat yourself up about it now. It's obvious you'll never do anything like it again so that's the main thing. Cat's are amazingly adaptable animals and even pet cats are natural hunters. We've taken in a fair few strays ourselves and they have a habit of finding and adopting people who'll take care of them. I'm sure they are fine. If you'd taken them to the RSPCA then they might have been put down, so although this is less than an ideal thing to have done, it's not the worse case scenario by miles.
it was wrong to do when you could have given them into a local rescue place or similar.. however just think that at least you let them go rather than what some people do to cats and drown them which is far worse.

like someone above put, if it was in or near a residential area they will probably have found some houses with people willing to take them in.

just make sure you dont do it again!
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Yes it was a residential quiet area with nice houses, I went back several times to find them but didnt see them.
I was pressured by my boyfriend who thought that they were dirty as they jumped onto the kitchen worktops etc. I did it to please him without thinking of anyone else. Thanks for the kind words.
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I have now moved and next doors cat has adopted us, I let him in a lot and spoil him rotten!
does your next door neighbours know about their cat going into yours and do they mind?
sorry to add this, its just that we had a neighbour who used to think one of our cats was a stray and would feed her all sorts and it didnt do her much good.
Its just not a good idea to spoil another persons cat rotten if the owners don't know.. as the cat may become ill from being fed too much, or too much of the wrong food.

i feel so mean for adding that on, but i know its a pain to have somebody else 'adopt' your cat.
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No, they know all about it, they have five and this one never goes into their house. They know we 'love' their cat.
thats okay then, sorry for jumping to conclusions! that's good to hear then :-)
I can't imagine how I would feel if I did that. I think the only thing to make me feel better would be a regular montly donation to Cat Protection League who are constantly trying to rehome cats that have been disguarded in a similar fashion - or rehome another cat yourself!

I dont mind i hate cats with a passion one yried to kill me when i was little
I think I would taken the boyfriend in the car and let him go free and fend for himself instead lol..

I love cats :)

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