The War on Terror is a myth in The AnswerBank: News
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The War on Terror is a myth

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Llamatron | 20:05 Fri 26th Jan 2007 | News
7 Answers
I've just read this article:

http://politics.guardian.co.uk/terrorism/story /0,,1997247,00.html?

It made me realise that this so called War on Terror is nothing of the kind. The western world has fallen for the lies and scare mongering of a few politicians.
How can these people sleep at night?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Your right! Notice the difference in rhetoric when describing events in Iraq or the UK. It took the politicians over 3 years to admit things in Iraq were out of control. Whereas here we park out tanks at Heathrow for maximum visibility and press coverage. Also MI5 have 2500 leads to follow.

It is the government which terrorises us not these incompetent suicide bombers!
You may find this documentary interesting.

http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=7860 48453686176230&q=terrorstorm

The war on terror is just a pretext to remove our freedoms.
The Cold War is now, in retrospect, thought to have been massively exaggerated too. And the most terrible aspect of that is that, to this day, most Americans seem to think it was driving the Soviets out of Afghanistan that did it, and not the destructive effects of glasnost on perestroika.

Of course, you've rumbled one of the key political tricks- that governing negatively is far easier. Ever tried reading Machiavelli?
it's like past wars on drugs, on poverty etc etc - a metaphor rather than a real war. Except that this time they really are trying to do things via the military. But the Pentagon was never set up to fight metaphorical wars, so it's had to turn its real guns on Iraq and Afghanistan (and Iran next?). It has in fact achieved limited successes, overthrowing governments; but the Pentagon was also not set up to rebuild other countries when it had finished knocking them down. The result seems to be worse than before, because chaos and weak rule has followed rule that was tyrannical but strong. (Some people will disagree with that last sentence, arguing that feeble democracy is better than firm tyranny; I'm not so sure.) Afghanistan might yet get back on track, though I doubt it; but it will be a long time before Iraq calms down.
I'm afraid I realised that a while ago. Partly because of my love and concern for various African nations.... but they have nothing to offer us, no oil, no power, no money.
'we' seem far less interested in their mass murderous governments that the ones that stand to screw 'us' up.

It's all a farce.
Why are the yanks so antagonistic. They are about to install a missile defence system in Poland within gunshot of Russia. They know how the ruskies feel about this. Are they trying to start WW3.

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