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bikini waxing

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poppiejg | 01:49 Sun 28th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
I have only been to a salon once to get a bikini wax and dont think i can face it again. does anyone know of a good home waxing kit that provides everything for a brazilian?


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well on a cheeky note, i could not say as a man, but i would kindly lend a hand if required
i'm really glad i can just use my hair clippers and a mach 3. so much easier being a bloke!
Hey snagged.....why don't you describe a mexican!!!!!! lol
big hat, poncho, likes chilli.
Hey stevie lol... the graveyard shift... please sign in!!
perhaps we could have a step by step guide??????
am i the only bloke who likes to keep it all neat and tidy then?
i'm naturally not hairy........
Hey snagged.....I have you on msn but your not on line!!
ummmm... don't talk to me about msn... it's doin' my bloody head in!! I erased the whole damn programme in a fit of fury... and haven't got round to re-installing the ******!
im not hairy either curly, but the trimmers keep the majority short, and the razor keeps the rest silky smooth. if you get my drift!!!! Lol
And snagged???/??
never mind him sweet ummmm, he's a hairy backed bog beast!!
wot?!.. ;o)
Ok Stevie.......
A trim now and then is good... but I ain't goin anywhere near the ol' walnuts with my MachIII...
What about the chest?????
you can tell your a young pup with not many shaving years behind you. give it time, you'l be able to get those cherries nice and smooth.

course it helps if its all systems go while your doing the shaving, if you know what i mean, and im sure that you do!!! chest is nearly bald and i dont shave

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