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St. Paddy's Day

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Champagne | 10:57 Mon 19th Mar 2007 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
What did you all get up to, if anything? In true Irish style, I went out for a Japanese meal.



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I stayed in. I'm not irish why would I celebrate
I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Should I have done?
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Well you wouldn't 4getmenot. Duh!
Well i did nothing to celebrate not being Irish...

but on Saturday i did go to the Aquarium, then have dinner in central london and on to a comedy club with the couple me and my fella met on holiday - great night. West End was full of people dressed up for Paddy's Day.
dont celebrate paddys day im waiting for st georges day
Ooh, I had a post banned once for using the word paddy - saying my dad was a �paddy� (and proud of it). Anyway, I cooked the wife Irish stew with a boxty with some Irish soda bread on the side (all home made by me), we had some Guiness and some Jameson�s. It was also my dad�s birthday so went to the grave and placed some Irish lilies and a shamrock garland.garland.
well my bfs 1/4 irish so we were out drinking in irish bars all day :)
Garland, so good I said it twice.

Similar to those posts above, I refuse to celebrate or join in with any Mardi Gras, as I am not fat and I don�t like Tuesdays.
as it was a saturday i got p!ssed anyway.
why not eh?
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I went on the p! I do every year.
I drank some Canadian beer in an Italian bar whilst watching American football on a Japanese tv set. Talked to some friends: one was Scottish, one was German, and another one was Polish. BUT........the bartender was Irish and she always dresses totally in black (even on St Pats Day!). In fact she calls herself "The Black Irish Bitch". I can't get banned for that can I?...........That's what she calls herself.

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St. Paddy's Day

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