My personal experience of NHS matter what is wrong they always end up advising you to go to casualty......get a taxi and head straight there....least you have saved someone on the end of the phone 10 mins of their time :-)
Tut tut crete..this is serious. Get yourself off to your GP pretty darned quick..why on earth would you expect anyone on AB would be able to give such delicate medical advice???
Important Notice
If you are unwell we strongly advise you to seek professional advice from your doctor. Please do not rely on or wait for advice from Answerbank users. Also, any user posting graphically explicit and descriptively offensive posts regarding mutilated nails will have their account terminated.
Or they could make necklaces, and scare old women into buying "lucky fingernial jewellery" by the way crete if there is no update within 10 min I shall have chewed all mine off.
Gormless - what kind of "STOOL" are we talking please !!!
Crete, was it a 6" nail ? That happened to Jesus soon after Easter too. Remarkable coincidence !!
Crete, I assume it was an accident. Nobody deliberately rips off a perfectly good fingernail.
Check out todays newspaper and get straight onto 'claims for you'. You will be entitiled to compensation..... no win, no fee. Lines are open 24 hours, move, move ,move. Get the dosh!
I hope you dont die from it crete but if you do can I have your mobile phone? Iv'e been trying to text one of my girlfriends but my battery is dead and my brother wont lend me his
thanks all for your concern, just returned from A E dept only waited 6 hours,my family and friends rallied round and with some intense physiotherapy a full recovery is expected, but it was touch and go for a while.... : )
Does this mean I cant have your mobile?
I need to get in touch with this girl, she seemed "clingy" when we went out (well, had a one night stand) and I think she may be worried about me,