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Ever had something said about you that mortified you??

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PinkFizz | 20:35 Tue 17th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
92 Answers
I went outside this evening to get my son in for a bath( he was outside playing with a small group of boys that he met last night). As I went up to them and called his name I heard one of them ask my son who I was. When he told them I was his mum one boy said at the top of his voice " God,isn't your mum fat." and then all the others started laughing and looked at me. I stood there completely stunned that:

A. He even thought that

B. A child could be so blatantly rude to an adult

And to make me feel even worse, I have been on a diet and intense exercise regime for a month, have lost 10lb and was feeling a bit more confident about myself but now I feel blooming awful.

Anybody else ever been gob-smacked by a comment??


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Pipsy - I had exactly the same thing happen to me a few months ago!! I went into a shop I hadnt been into for yonks and admittedly I was due on but still insisted on wearing tight jeans.The assistant I hadnt seen for ages, came over, patted my tummy and congratulated me on my news!! I was so gob smacked that I actually thanked her and then left the shop!!
God it's awful, innit Pink?

I did deserve it though..karma for doing the same thing to a woman up the road a couple of years ago. I still cringe thinking of it!

As I said before, I later took the actor Charlie Sheen's advice: ''never ask a woman if she is pregnant unless there is a baby actually coming out of her''

So very wise ;o)
No, but I`ve said something that mortified myself.

About 3 years ago when my father in law died, I was on nights, by the time I got home at 7am everyone was round my house, mother in law, sister/brother in laws etc all crying their eyes out and as I walked in the front room I said "Morning" (mourning)

Talk about wrong word at the wrong time!

I was once standing at a bar waiting to buy a drink, minding my own business, and I heard some bloke behind me say, 'ha ha, look at that girl, she looks like Michelle Macmanus!' I'm certainly no size zero but I'm also not that big! So I turned around, and despite being a very peaceful girl, put my fist in his face. His two friends with him just laughed and told him he deserved it and then he spent the rest of the night apolagising and telling me he only meant facially (Lies!).

Obviously though I'm not suggesting you punch the face of a child though! Don't let it bother you, every woman in western society has probably had comments made about her weight, no matter how big or small she is.
I was walking down the street a few summers ago and heard a car driving slowly behind me, then 3 or 4 different voices starting whistling and yelling stuff. I looked round and saw the car was full of young lads (prolly 17/18ish) As soon as I looked round one of them yelled 'ffs its an old hag' I wasnt mortified cos I just burst out laughing, I was only in my mid 30's at the time lol
I was once walking along with my ex boyfriend and his new girlfriend behind me and heard them laughting I turned around and asked what the joke was, he said when I walked my thighs went wobble wobble, I was so horrified that I lost 2.5 stone and went down to a size 10, happilly his new girlfriend gained my two and a half stone and when me and my hubby went camping with them that summer I had to borrow some jeans off her, I slipped them on without undoing them and asked for a belt, ahhhh I felt great.
Hi Pink long time no see. Take no notice of the little toe rags I bet you look lovely!

Through out my teens and twenties I regularly had comments about the size of my nose (it wasn't THAT bad honest) but the crunch came when I was out shopping one day and t wo guy's walked towards me obviouslly giving me the eye as they got level with me one said to the othe 'Oh my God fantastic body but a nose like Concorde' I sobbed all the way back to work. The upshot was I had plastic surgery on my nose as I couldn't take the horrid comments any more. My nose is lovely now but the bod's not quite so fantastic but hey win some lose some

I picked up my son from a creche once and the creche worker said "Is that your son?" when I replied "Yes" she said "But he's gorgeous" firmly insinuating I'm not!
Funnily enough I had that sort of comment from a bloke, Ali.

''your sister's gorgeous. You don't look alike, do you?''

He realised what he had said and spluttered something about not meaning it that way, but by that time the damage had been
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Awwww Hellion - what little sods!!
One of my more recent mortifying moments was when I was visiting my brother in the states about 18 months ago. We went to a bar for a drink and as I walked in they were checking the ID of some young students. I walked right past them and went and sat at the bar. My brother tapped me on the shoulder and said that the doorman was asking to see my ID so I turned round and the doorman took one look at my face and said 'it doesn't matter' and walked off. My brother nearly fell off his barstool!!!! He still reminds me of that today - (btw I was only 37 at the time)
I once worked in a shop were the boss was always coming out of the back room to talk to customers. We were having a particularly bad day, things kept going wrong. A woman came in the shop and she said "How are you" my boss. he replied that if he had a gun he would shoot himself. Oh dear there was a deathly silence.....this womans son had shot himself (suicide) not long before.
never ever PinkFizz
be strong
don't listen to garbage
quite simple realy x
10lbs is FANTASTIC! Well Done!

As for me, I hate it when people say I 'look well' cos they basically mean I've put on weight! I'm really overweight and although I'm losing it, being told I'm 'well' doesn't go to well!
Having suffered varying degrees of acne all my adult life, I've had several comments about my spots made to me by complete strangers. My favourite was when some scotsman asking if I sniffed glue when I had an absolute whopper on the end of my nose. The fact he was Scottish negated the need for a witty riposte.
dont worry my mam does a slimming club that you can go 2 always rememba there is weight watches always there 4 u!!!!!
I remember this idiot at school who said I looked as though I'd swallowed a horse!!! I really don't know what he was getting at because I was really, really slim and I don't look like a horse either LOL so that really baffled me. It must have upset me though because I still remember it now.
i know exactly how you feel!!!
even though it was a long time ago, when i was only 13 i had my hair cut very short, my mum told me it looked lovely so i went out with a bit of extra confidence until i went to a girls house around the block who i didn't know and her mother asked if i was her boyfriend.
i was so upset i had to run home quickly.
some people don't think before they speak.
I took my son to a play area in a holiday village. He was only about four. An older kid wanted past and said 'Out of my way, stupid' , and shoved him away. I said, 'C'mon son, we have to go'. I picked him up and ran past the cheeky kid, using my son as a weapon, kicking the bad kid sorely in the face / chest as I ran past. I don't know if I handled the situation the right way, but that's what I did. I can just imagine the conversation afterwards:
'Daddy, that man hit me with his little boy'.
'Oh, I'm sure he didn't mean it, Nigel'.
'Yes he did!'
'He didn't mean it, now there's an end to it!'
being curvy, I often get quite a lot of mean comments directed at me. my grandmother-in-law (who has poor eyesight) once said to me "oh you're not as fat as I thought you were". when I obviously looked a bit narked she then asked what my problem was, and said "I was pying you a compliment". Nice!!

I had quite short hair when I was 15 (and used to be a bit of a tomboy). One day I was walking to the ladies loos in a department store, and had a woman tap me on my shoulder and say that the men's toliet was in the opposite direction. When I turned around we were both equally mortified! From that day onwards I ditched my boyish clothes and got all girly with clothes and make-up. Amazing how one comment can change your behaviour.

Good luck to you Pink, and I bet you'll look fab on the beach this summer.

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