My quist here is that I have just been into me local chippy/ krebab shrop and tried to get it open on the way home (the kebab that is not the shop) but for the life of me could not get into the paper without ripping it and have looked at the way that they wrap it and also the way they wrap chips as well. So the queistion here is do all chip shop owners practice origami in there spare time
They smell the beer on you and wrap it up extra special, knowing you wont be able to wait until you get home. They also know you will drop it on the street trying to get into it, and will have to come back to buy another one.
so they do cunning stunts on you then do they next time I go into a chippy/kebabie I will eat a clove of garlik and that will connfuse them and also sort out the vampires as well