Incidentally it is the female mosquito which imbibes the blood of mammals so that their eggs can mature prior to laying. When feeding to repletion, mosquitoes can drink anywhere from 0.001 to 0.01 millilitres.
The human body contains on average around 10 pints, or about 5.76 litres of blood.
1 litre = 1,000 ml so�.assuming that a person would die after losing around 4 pints of blood we have�.
10 pints = 5.76 litres so 4 pints = 2.72 litres
2.72 litres = 2,720 ml, so at an average of 0.0055 ml per empty/hungry (female) mossie, it would take about 494,545 to suck you to death and 1,047,273 to suck you dry, but only one or two to drive you mad (itching).