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shingles pain

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bearmaker | 17:13 Wed 02nd May 2007 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
My partner is suffering from shingles, he has had it for 3 weeks, the rash is fading and is disapearing but he is still getting lots of pain (like barbed wire being pulled backwards & forwards) does anybody know of a good old fashioned remedy, as the doctors are giving him nothing at all.
Regards Marilyn


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I read something that said the pain can go on for up to 2 weeks after the rash has gone. I found this info that i have listed below- perhaps it would help? Perhaps more easily recognised would be to try ibuprofen?

What drugs can I take to relieve the pain of shingles?
There are essentially four types of painkillers used to make shingles pain more tolerable:

Aspirin, ibuprofen, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs for short).
Acetominophen, of which the best known form is Tylenol.
Corticosteroids, sometimes called simply steroids.
sorry for your fiend ..I had it years ago very painful. All I got given was co-codomol or however its spelt. Calamine for where the inflamation was too. Just do a lot of crying I did.
Try putting five or six drops of pure lavender oil on the affected area morning and evening.
It is a very soothing and healing oil.
It can diluted in a carrier oil. Sunflower oil is easily available.

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