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I don't mean to offend..

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Rubyrose | 13:49 Thu 10th May 2007 | Body & Soul
49 Answers
I know this might sound a tad bit insensitive and don't for one minute think that I don't care.. but I really don't understand all these people saying they have been constantly crying over Maddy who has gone missing! I understand it is very sad and a terrible terrible situation and you may shed a tear but to be constantly crying about it?

Chirdren go missing every single day and never return or are found dead and it's an awful awful thing to happen but I don't get why everyone is crying! (I don't mean her family and friends.. I mean total strangers)


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i know what you mean ruby rose - although it is an awful situation and thinking that could ever happen to me or someone i know is terrible people seem to be going mad over it crying and offernig awards - guy on here earlier offering to do a website to raisse money (think that is a nice idea though!!) I dont seem to recall people being this upset when it has happened before - that little boy who went missing 16yrs ago - the two little girls, sarah payne. all the children that are missing that arent even in the news. For some reason i think it has to do with the fact that it happened in a different country - althoughthe little boy i mentioned before was also on holiday.

It does make me ill when i think about it though - she is just a little girl. But there are a lot of little children who are issing/being hurt what about all of them?
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4getmenot - I do feel sadness for the situation but not enough to cry constantly.

Elvis - Regardless of me having children or not, I am still human and do understand the situation!

Essesbloke - Thats what I don't understand.. Why are they getting SO much news coverage when it happens to people all the time!

Pippa - I cry all the time and documentaries, films, TV, news.. but thats just being caught up in the moment.. then I walk away, get on with my life and probably never give it another thought!

Skreech - I don't really know what to say to that!

Julie - As a person with legs, I feel an emotional attachment when someone loses a leg! Lol
But seriously.. I do cry a lot when I watch sad things or even read it in the papers.. but I just don't understand the people saying they have been crying constantly! It's not their child and if they are honest, they are glad it isn't! I Have heard about 3 people in AB say they haven't stopped crying!

Octavius - Thank you. Possibly the most understandable answer.

Tiny - You are right... it doesn't really fill you with hope does it!

Nat - I must admit, normally I follow the stories and while I do think it is as terrible as every other one... I'm not as involved with this one! Just haven't read much about it!

Champs - I don't 'smell a rat' but when every one was saying that the parents didn't seem very upset then I was a bit suspicious! But as I say.. I really haven't followed the story close enough!

Cascarelli - I kind of get what they are saying! The media coverage is huge and it happens every so often that a child goes missing and gets mass coverage but what about all the ones in between?

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Mimi - I can completely relate to that! My brother was the same age as Jamie Bulger when he went missing and although I am only 6yrs older than him, I remember being very upset and hugging my brother a lot! But we can't live our lives crying and being ashamed to have fun because others are being traumatised! What kind of life would it be?

3Rainbows - Very honest.. as I knew you would be. I completely agree! If they hadn't have left her on her own then she couldn't have gone missing but.. all that said and done no-one deserves this!
sorry whos' crying constantly. And no one said neglect champagne, I just said in another question I wouldnt leave my kids the way they did. Doesnt mean its neglect or that I dont feel anything for that poor child or the parents
and lots of people answered in the same way and said they wouldnt leave their children so no need to highlight my name. and how are you so sure they are not going to find her?
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I genuinely hope they do find her safe and sound but normally in these cases it's highly unlikely! But if they do find her.. imagine what kind of trauma she would have been through and how long it will take her to get over it!
Never give up hope until you absolutely have to RR and she's 3 years old, kids are very resilient and im positive that she would get over it with the love and support of her parents and grandparents.
What bugs me about this case is that everyone imagines that foreign police are incompetent. The abduction in Portugal, Bob Woolmer's death in the Carribbean - send in our police because their boys aren't up to the task and need a little help. Yet people will run our cops into the ground in this country, and say that they're all kinds of rubbish.

To answer your point Ruby, I don't cry at this sort of thing and indeed feel very detached from the whole event. I'm not a parent but feel the same about Darfur of the Tsunami etc, so it's not the point. I recognise the abducion as a terrible thing, but it doesn't stir my emotions at all to be honest. Other things much less serious will stir sadness or rage though, so I guess we're all wired slightly differently.
I highlighted your name, 4get, because you gave a frank answer to my previous statement which I felt necessitated another response. It's called conversation. Plus your name sticks out 'cos I've known you on here longer!

I'm just disgusted and angry at some of the threads i've read on this site about this child abduction. Everyone's been waltzing around with a 'holier than thou' attitude thinking it would never happen to them because they'd never leave their child for more than 2 seconds, whereas I think it's easy to sit on the outside and judge/point the finger. But the reality of the issue lies with some sick Mutha who was probably watching this little girl for days before grabbing the ideal moment to steal her away.

All clues are pointing to a paedophile or paedophile group, in which case this little girl was picked for her age and looks. It's highly improbably it was a chance abduction, in which case the fact that the parents were getting p!$$ed at some tapas bar is beside the point.
Rant over.
I do have to agree with Champagne on the blaming of these parents. It has annoyed me because it seems to have become the main issue of this case rather than the fact that this child was abducted by some scum of the earth, who i believe would have had her away one way or another. Dont tell me that it was oppertunist, and they could quite easily have been sleeping soundly in the next room and she had still been abducted No, i wouldnt leave my child alone at that age, mainly becuase i would be concerned about a fire breaking out or the child waking and doing some harm to itself, never would you imagine for one minute that they might be abducted. I know some people do do this when they are on holiday and they are perfectly safe. Very very occasssionally these tragic things happen and no-one can foresee them.These are hardly neglectful parents, thats a bit on the extreme side for my liking. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and i bet those parents wish like they wish for nothing else that they had had some on that evening 8 days ago.
i agree with you ruby the princess diana thing baffled me people die in car accidents every day tragically and we were almost brow beaten into feeling grief for a total stranger, clearly its terrible what has happened to this little girl but i cannot quite get into the whole tears thing over someone i dont know, and if she is found safe which hopefully she will, will people be concerned days later about how she is coping? no she will be forgot about and people will move on to the next incident, hand wringing and "i feel your pain" is unfortunatley an in thing these days i just find it all very false
When I had my first child I left him aged six weeks outside the butchers in his pram and waltzed home quite oblivious to the fact ,with my pound of sausages .I just wasn't used to having this appendage and my hormones were in uproar .Thank the lord they took the pram into the shop and no harm was done was a matter of minutes before I realised what I had done and ran back like a demented harpie .
It is all to easy to judge ..I do feel sorry for the parents ..they should perhaps have been more alert to the dangers that exist in this awful world we live in. We are all so quick to be judge and jury.
Your child could be abducted under your very nose...Jamie Bulger springs to mind . Many years ago a little girl was abducted from a caravan park very near to where I live .My brother was the unfortunate police officer on the scene ...they never caught the swine and it haunts him to this day as he retired shortly afterwards and in spite of cold case investigation ....zilch . You cannot watch children 24/7. They could just as easily have gone back to their room, fallen asleep and it could still have happened .A child was abducted whilst the parents were in the house, I believe ,a while ago .Do correct me if I am wrong in that assumption.
But ..let's just hope that she is found safe and sound .
I dont blame the children I simply answered a question saying would you leave our child in a hotel room while you went out. It is the horrible man or woman who took the child that is to blame
Shaneystar, what about that little girl who was abducted out of her bath a short while ago and raped? Her parents were in the next room. Thank God she was spared being murdered as well.
4getmenot, i dont really think that many of us would to be honest and maybe those who do will now think twice about it.
It really has come to something when we cannot take our eyes off our kids for a minute. How very sad for the children of this world, their childhoods are way more restricted than i think ours were.
That's the one I was thinking of Julie . As I have said we are all quick to condemn ...when I think of the times my kids were outside playing football...riding around on their bikes and what have you on their own !! The thing is at what age do you consider it safe for them to be left alone. Certainly not four years old ... Having said that ..we often took ours away on hoilday when they were that sort of age fact we lived abroad when they were that sort of age . Personally I would never leave a child of that age on their own any where like that a strange place like a hotel room
But where do you draw the line in normal life ? Say you have three children ..which a niece of mine has ,ranging in age from 15 to seven . How do you police their activities can't be everywhere at once . I have to say these parents were very lax considering the ages of these children and in a strange place . But it can happen as I said ..under your very nose .
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Sorry for posting this twice it was an accident but sure that ab will pick up on it wont they.
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Thats ok Knobby... I reported it as a 'duplicate answer'.

I think it's called a delayed shock reaction. It can happen up to years later.. I had it happen to me. I had an epileptic attack in town once when I was 15.. had never had one before and didn't know I was epileptic. I went to the hospital and they ran tests and told me I had it and I just carried on with life as normal.. it wasn't until 3yrs later I started to get anxiety attacks when I went out, thinking I would have an unprevoked attack! Very odd.

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