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Can I just say...

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Rubyrose | 12:05 Fri 18th May 2007 | Body & Soul
47 Answers
What a brilliant day it is today! I am in the best of moods... apart from feeling a bit malnourished.. Lol.. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, I have been complimented on my outfit a few times, (wearing a little pink neck scarf with my outfit and I don't know why but I feel French when I do that.. Lol), Everyone at work is in a good mood, laughing and joking, and the guys are all here.. and we are off to the pub after work! Oh and Debenhams is having a 20% off sale today. I shall be there in my lunch break! Lol How is everyone's day going?


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next door to the pub on the corner of Park Road and Baker Street.

Across the road from Regents Park.

Do you work in Baker Street?
are you anywhere near 221b ?
lol - not far actually! is that just a random number you've come up with?
hey rubes, im in a good mood today only because its friday though, the weather is miserable here but really warm and clammy iv got two colsores on my lip and they are hurting me but hey ho
xxhey everyone xx
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Oh my good god! We are handing out addresses now! Lol


I just got back from lunch and I agree, it's quite warm out... luckily we have the air con on in here though... Could summer be arriving?
I sometimes wish we could open a window but we are on the 6th floor and apparently it's bad health and safety! Just have to made do with air con then I guess!
pa___ul i wouldnt dream of it ;o)
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Hahaha! It seems Sam knows me better than most! Lol
ruby you no what they say takes one to know one! lol :o) xx
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It does indeed Sam... I would say 'Welcome to the Ho club' but I bet I am right in guessing you have been a member for a while now! ;o)
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lol pa___ul!

yeah rubes iv been a ho for nearly two years :)
hi my names sam and im a recovering hoe teehee
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My name is Ruby and I am a ho-a-holic
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The sun's shining down in Southwark, the BBC online cricket commentary is open, and I leave work in an hour. If I didn't have to drive tp Newcastle, and I could sit down withoutn lookig like i have piles, then life would be sweet
sorry nay, had to go out. 221b is the home of Sherlock Holmes. I can not believe you work in Baker Street and did not know that!!!!!

I think it may be an Abbey National or something now.
My arch enemy
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I am indeed

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