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Nice Guy

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Roughquest | 14:42 Sun 27th May 2007 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
I have met a really lovely, intelligent, handsome, generous, solvent, guy - he treats me too well so far, is very complimentary, he is the perfect gentleman, we have been out on 4 dates so far, he insists on driving me everywhere, wont let me pay for anything, he is generous to a fault, he likes me so much - WHY THE HELL DO I NOT FANCY HIM ????? Think I will give up the dating game for good...I am so down today, he is everything I like in a man....should I give it time and see if my affections grow for him ? WAAAAGH ! Usually with me though, if the initial spark isnt there then it isnt going to be....


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ok roughquest, am on msg now, so will add you!
ted bundy was a lovely guy im told
rough can i add you if you dont mind ?

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