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Signs of being stressed

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Trinny | 01:36 Mon 28th May 2007 | Body & Soul
46 Answers
I have felt totally out of it just recently. Irritable, low moods, very snappy, bad memory.......geez, how cheerful. I know its not depression. Is it stress. Has anyone felt like this too? or am I just going a bit mad?


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megan, I think I am heading that way too.........maybe its that and not stress, totally confused.........tip for you megan, take soy tablets for hot flushes. works wonders xx
Thank's Trinny i have heard that soy can help, the flushes and the sweating is horrible, i don't know what us girls have to go through . love you's megan. xxx
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megan, I had some hot flushes (face really hot) so dont know if that was it, but it was pretty uncomfortable. I now take soy tablets, and really, they work. Try them, they are not expensive. And you can get them from Tesco.

Joys of womanhood hey megan! xxxx
Hi trinny , I was going to say are you old enough to be heading that way . Hope you will feel brighter tomorrow love. :-) x

Hi megan , nice to see you :-) x
Hi red , :-) x
It`s just blob week, you`ll get used to it
I was just thinking back to my mams day.....they just went through it......none of this patch stuff.....
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hi bigmamma, I am heading that way :( xx

Hiya Elvis..........hope so xx
Hiya mamma......hope you are well
Oh trinny , maybe that's it then , though it can take years to actually hit it's peak , let's hope it treats you gently . :-) x

Hi red , bit wheezy tight tonight so can't sleep yet but ok otherwise love . :-) x
Trinny my love, i think if you pop down to your GP, and have a chat about how you feel, and tell your GP about your hot flush, it is just a simple blood test.
You will be OK my love , us girls can not avoid it, some woman are OK and the flushes are not to bad, but mine are terrible, but keep smiling :-))))))))) love you.

Bigmamma how are you , hope you are keeping well, lots of love to you megan. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :-))))))
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megan, I hate going to the doctors, will try any self help first. Plus for some reason I always end up blubbing when I see the dr............sure he has on my records "cry baby" lol xxxx
You will be OK my love, you are spot on Trinny about the soy, i must give it a go.
Trinny is it just me, but is it a very cold night to night, it is freezing in newcastle. love you megan. xxxxx
megan , it's cold , wet , and blowing a gale here too .:-)xx
Hi Bigmamma i hope you are keeping OK, i think the wether is horrible, it is very cold. love you megan. xxxxx
Well megan sweetie , asthma playing up today , think I will try again to get some sleep . Hope you are ok . :-)
Nighty night :-) xx

Night trinny love :-) xx
Well girls i am of to bed now, it has been very nice to speak with you all, Trinny let us know how you come on, take care love you ,megan.xxxxxxx

Night night Bigmamma and Red take care love megan speak soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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night bigmamma and megan......speak soon xxxxxx
I don't have that Allzimers thing (however you spell it). It just happens now and again so I call it Sometimers.
I think you all just have Mad Cow Disease!!

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