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oopsydoopsy | 12:01 Thu 31st May 2007 | Body & Soul
32 Answers
If you could change one thing about your life, what would you choose ?
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I would choose to be wealthy enough to not have to work 7 days a week to survive. In fact I would like to be comfortable and only work 4 days a week.
My salary!
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some money would be handy.apart from that im ok as i am.
ooh thats i good one, sorry but iam going to be boring and say i wouldnt change anything, as i wouldnt be were i am today (its not fantastic or anything but i wont complain). I might have actually worked a bit harder at school, but then i wouldnt have had so much fun!!
I'd spend more time with thoes in my life who are special to me. I may only have a few more years with my grandparents, I wish I had spent more time learing about thier lives and listening to their stories, every day I try and call them to make sure I get every given opportunity whilst they are still alive!
Otheriwise I have no regrets, I'd not change a thing, I love my life, i've been really lucky.
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Very unselfish legend !
I think where i live, i would love to live up in the Pennines in a huge farmhouse and have a few stirks running the hills and the odd Cleveland Bay to show occasionally.
To never ever have squeezed that 1st spot.
I wouldn't change my life, just my anger problem
The unfortunate thing is that if you went back and changed one thing it would alter the course of your life forever, and I am relatively content with what I have done with it and achieved thus far.

If I was really pushed I would probably say my A level results, just one grade higher in Physics and my life would have been very very different indeed, although I would probably never have met Mrs Octavius.
I would like to able to work fewer hours and be paid properly for what I do. I would also like to be able to afford to retire when I am 60 and not have to work until I am 65. Actually I suppose both of these things are within my control so I had better start looking for a better job!
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Does that entail an ability to get angry easily or not get angry at all? I am the latter and it is very frustrating when trying to deal with issues !!
I have tried thinking really hard and theres nothing, I'm just me. Maybe change my luck.
I would have prevented my house being repossessed in 1999
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cazz- that must have been awful for you.
yeah it was!, If I had have been able to stay I might not be in the crappy house I am in now!, I also didnt realise that I would have 2 disabled children in the future that would need something suitable(than this) to live in. cest la vie!!
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yeah cazz, it is, but "la vie" is a bitch sometimes. x
To be able to make decisions and then stick to them...
bigger muscle!

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