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Should I start a club?

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Trinny | 22:55 Sat 02nd Jun 2007 | Body & Soul
77 Answers
Well, its saturday night, have watched Any dream, lottery , casualty and now Any dream results........filled in 2 job application forms... And am bored now. So going to start a club for others like me (single and bored) Who wants to join?


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Warpig.ok, even though you are not single you can join :)

Hiya megan......pull up a are more than welcome xx
Question Author
Megan, you one of the loveliest people on bez who is fab
Thank you Trinny, how you feeling my love, ? lots of action over the road from me, 4 police car's 2 vans and a ambulance, i am soooo pleased i do not go out any more.
Lots of love megan. xxxxxx
Question Author
I am fine thanks megan.........posted this about being single, but am quite happy with that (believe it or not) just get a bit bored when I am kid free I guess..........its pretty quiet where I quite happy sat here with my V&T xx
god what is going on over the rd from you megan . ?
Hi megan, the tootsie is fine, it still has no nail but I bought a false one from Boots, what a joke, a false toe nail, did you ever!
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What happened to your toe then warpig?
Trinny i like a rum and coke, and i feel very happy just being in the house, have you heard from Bigmamma , she is nice to , you are all a lovely bunch , it would be fun if we could all meet up one day.
Love you megan. xxx
Trinny, got an 'orrible fungal infection under the nail and it fell off, not before it ponged a bit and oozed green stuff, absolutely gross, actually it was a relief to be rid of it!
megan i said in a field with a tent each / we will all need to wear name tags lol
you got foot and mouth ? lol
Hi Warpig i am pleased you are OK my love, xxxxxxx :-)))
lol sleepy, could be!
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Megan, I don't know many here on AB.........but bigmamma always posts really nice replies...and Warpig. And bez who I chat to on MSG. Lots of nice folk, I tend to avoid the arguments! Want an easy life lol.......It would be great to meet up. Are you on MSG megan? xx

Thank you megan I am fine but bored, mrwarpig is watching some blokey film, booooooorrrrrrrrrrrringgggggg!
Hows you and mrmegan, all ok I hope?
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geez Warpgig, that sounds gross.....I watched that embarassing problems programme on tv this week, did you see it? Some bloke there had an infected toe. Plus some bloke with a problem with his willy
Sleepy i think it would be great fun, if we could all stay in a haunted castle lol , love you megan. xxxx
i talk to big mamma on msn she is lovely as well.
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maybe we should all swap addy's and have a chinwag together. Put the worlds to right and all that lol
Yes thank you Warpig, we are all OK sweetheart, Mr megan teases the grandkiddy's with his toe lol, love you megan. xxx

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