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Should I start a club?

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Trinny | 22:55 Sat 02nd Jun 2007 | Body & Soul
77 Answers
Well, its saturday night, have watched Any dream, lottery , casualty and now Any dream results........filled in 2 job application forms... And am bored now. So going to start a club for others like me (single and bored) Who wants to join?


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i dont like to put my add on here but big mamma has my add if you would like it ask her or mrknowall has it and emz
Trinny, it (the toe nail) was totally gross and yes I did see that program, funnily enough I saw it advertised earlier and thought I must miss that, what a load of old rubbish then watched it the whole way through! Its like car crash tv, you don't want to look but you just cant help it!
Trinny i have hot mail, so will that be msn, iam not to suer Trinny could you tell me how do i give you my E mail , i am not to clever with computers . love megan. xxxx
Trinny - can I join the club??
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warpig, if those people are so embarassed, then why do they then go and tell the whole tv public?
no one is on msn now god its not fair they all have got life :(
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megan, email me........ [email protected] Will explain it all to you then xx
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welcome efc

So how many members have we got now?
trinny is that your msn add as well ? if it is can i add you
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sleepy you can chat with us if you address below
sleepy - i'm on msn - i haven't got a life LOL
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yes , course you can sleepy
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email me sleepy and megan, and will add your to msg
Evening folks..... Hey Trin can I join....I'm not single or bored....but I'll be door person if you
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ok bez............will let you join, but dont let any old scum in will yer?
Thank you Trinny , i have written that down, i will E mail you tomorrow after 6 , thanks well i am going in the bath now, and i will speak with you all soon.
I hope everyone has a lovely day tomorrow so for now night night Trinny, Sleepy Warpig & efc love to all megan. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i have e mailed you trin but i cant see the screen much i have been drinking so cant see what im saying very well lol god i wish i could handle my drink better
night night megen xxx you have a lovely daay to
Nighty Night Megan......will catch up with you tomorrow.....xx
Night Night Red have a good day tomorrow my love, take care megan. xxxxxxxxxxx

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Should I start a club?

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