The corner of one eye constantly itches (inside corner near nose) not the eyeball but the skin and sometimes looks a little inflamed, I know I should probably go to see the Doc but it seems a little trivial to bother him with, its been going on for about 3 months now!!
Anybody got any ideas please?
I'm a very young 49 if that's any help, so obviously not age related!!!
blocked tear duct or some sort of nasal infection maybe? I had a blocked tear duct when I was a teenager, it got itchy when it was inflamed. So, I went to the hospital and they gave me an anaesthetic eye wash. Then they shoved a tube down my eye and wiggled it back and forth.
Sounds like a minor infection to me. Buy some Brolene drops from the chemist (not the cream). Boots stock it. Treat the other eye, too, to prevent cross-infection, keep your own towel away from others, and wash your hands frequently. It should clear very rapidly.