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Itchy eye

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RATTER15 | 10:55 Wed 27th Jun 2007 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
The corner of one eye constantly itches (inside corner near nose) not the eyeball but the skin and sometimes looks a little inflamed, I know I should probably go to see the Doc but it seems a little trivial to bother him with, its been going on for about 3 months now!!

Anybody got any ideas please?

I'm a very young 49 if that's any help, so obviously not age related!!!


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blocked tear duct or some sort of nasal infection maybe? I had a blocked tear duct when I was a teenager, it got itchy when it was inflamed. So, I went to the hospital and they gave me an anaesthetic eye wash. Then they shoved a tube down my eye and wiggled it back and forth.
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They shoved a tube in your tear duct and wiggled it!!!!!

suddenly the itching has stopped and feeling so much better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thought it might lol
oh they also clamp your eye open
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I'm really not good with eye problems!! I don't even like the eyesight test!!

And watching carakeel put her contact lenses in should be X certificated!!

I'm no wuss and will watch anything no matter how gory but not eyes!!!

Im actually not sure it is the tear duct, it appears to be further into the corner of the eye.
Sounds like a minor infection to me. Buy some Brolene drops from the chemist (not the cream). Boots stock it. Treat the other eye, too, to prevent cross-infection, keep your own towel away from others, and wash your hands frequently. It should clear very rapidly.
Powyco, dont tell him that, make him get his eye skewered.
How come every time i read about itchy eyes my eyes start to itch?
hi RATTER sounds veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery serious .its the opthalmologist for you im afraid
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powyco, that sounds so much easier than poking things in eyes!!!

Goodsoulette, you are savage!!!

fine thanks, you concentrate on my catheter bag and my Tenna for men!!

Some wicked people on this site for sure!!!
im sorry RATTER, think i meant a proctologist,
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fine thanks!!! please will you keep your hands off my piles and my catheter!!!!!

Whatever next!!

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fine thanks!! You can tell your proctologist to stick his finger where the sun don't shine!!!
a young 49 year old , oh how i laughed. everyone knows the first signs of prostrate problems ....... itchy eye syndrome.

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