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I can be serious

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earsugar | 16:00 Wed 11th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
33 Answers
What do you say to people on this site that have little or no sense of humour?, people who are very serious?, do you think they are like that in real life?


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Octavius, I wouldn't have called you grumpy just because you don't join in the banter, I find you humorous but most of all informative.
I don't mind a bit of fun and banter as long as it isn't offensive to anyone!!
It's annoying when that happens, spoils the tone for everyone else visiting the post, all they do is read the joke and before it has even settled in they have read that and then the average brain hasn't got the functionality left in it to make up it's own mind. Not sure what you mean by I'm somebody else BOO? I've got another user name but I only ever use it for embarassing questions, not to wind people up!
I'm just confused then why earsugar made a point of re-posting your joke here, then saying he/she replied on it, but I can't see one.
I didn't want to appear dim, but I still don't get the ice-cream float joke. Could someone explain it ?
Hi BOO, that was me that posted that because earsugar asked what we say to people with no sense of humour. I gave an example of me trying to be poilite to somebody that had no sense of humour!
Wiffey, you're at it!
Oh gawd yeah- sorry!

i'm off to boil my head for a while now, again sorry!
I'm a loofah.

Liked the joke, Skreeche!!! It's the kind of joke I like to tell at parties just to p!$$ everybody off. It's a good way of singling out the daft ones.

But it could also explain why I have no friends.
Ratter, I rarely partake in banter as one man�s sense of humour is another man�s sexual offence. Often people don�t get my humour or just think I am weird (it is a bane that I abide). Perhaps I am, but mostly I don�t find anything funny to add � well unless it is to a certain-member-who-shall-remain-nameless and his catamite!

Champagne you have lots of admirers. Most of them are locked up.
I'm not locked up!
Wow ! An anonymous member and his catamite ! That's certainly an assertion and a half.............

...........whom ? Please do tell.
We're your friends, Champers
I'm the most serious person on this website.

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I can be serious

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