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new names

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sleepy1 | 00:26 Sun 15th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
79 Answers
so many on here have new names i dont know who is who now what was your old name ??


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great thanks bigmamma xxxx
oh annie 0000, we didn't mean to ignore you hiding there , lol , sorry , hi :-)
Sorry annie,didnt mean to ignore you.No,im not le chat.
hau kola, yes I am one of those on here, who just blends in the background
im amused by this girls .
continue please :-))
Thats okay - hi big mamma as well - I am too tired and must go to bed - suspicious mind working overtime!
lol legend :-)
trinny , pleased you are ok love :-)
Hi legend,you should no me of old,had a few posts with you,usually late night ones.
You getting tired annie did you say , it is into the wee small hours :-)
yes i am bigmamma - but my final guess is lou 26?
I knew it wasn't that annie love, :-) Have you gone to bed trinny or sleepy ?
you had a few late ones wioth me????

well that narrows it down lol.

can u be a bit less vague??
ok,big clue.I cant access the post cos of the name change,but it was about the bloke that killed his daughter cos she walked in on him & his missus during sex.
did we part on good terms or were you spurned by me so returned using a pseudonym?


lol :-)
like i said earlier,was upset by someone beginning with G.
still here bigmamma
Helloes everyone..... before you arsk Legend big grey and baggy!
ah still awake trinny , hi goodsoulette :-) xx
I just got in, my mate puked so I came home early but now have to wait up : (

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