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Everybody seems to be lying

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Doc Spock | 14:37 Wed 01st Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
2 or 3 days ago on morning radio 2, I listened to the lady whose husband was filmed at his moment of dying.

She seemed very genuine and hoped the documentary would raise awareness to his condition.

I know find out it is a sham and he died 2 days later.

Terrible situation I know but does any bu55er on TV tell the truth anymore.

I have lost sympathy for her because she tried to conn us.


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I listened to the film maker being interviewed. He points out that he is independent of ITV and never claimed to have filmed the final breath as such. He claims he didn't know what was going to be put out as the trailer. He was asked by the widow to come as they believed he was dieing (and he was as he went into the coma) the film maker did not feel it was appropriate to intrude on the family for the last breath/actual death. He wanted to show the process of death of Alzheimer which he did over a period of 11 years. I didn't hear what the widow said on the radio so can not comment.
If theres a wrong way to interpret a post then guaranteed it will be on here -sigh
I think the point is that honesty would have been a better policy, as usual. Sadly though, program makers do what they like. I am not sure his wife would have known what they were going to show. She may not have been told the truth by the producers. Once a film has been edited, it is often not at all what the people it is about expected. A film was made about my son after he died, highlighting how the NHS had failed us terribly and I have to tell you that the manipulation during the filming by the producers was not nice. I was asked to use their wording not mine, which I was not at all happy about. So, it may not be the wife who is the culprit here. She may have been under pressure to say certain things, just like I was.
Are you talking about the programme that was on at 9pm last night, if so, it actually said at the end of the programme that he died two days later, never waking up from a coma. As my mother had alzheimers I thought she was very brave, and it helped me a lot understand what other people go through.

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Everybody seems to be lying

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