I have a HUGE crush on a married man, he says his wife is boring him to death, and he's ready to pack his bags and computer and move out as soon as I give him the go ahead! I don't care much about his wife, she's an ignoramus and obviously doesn't have a clue about all of this....anyway, she'll live. So, what do I do? All opinions welcome! :)
Wait until he's packed his bags and computer and actually moved out before you do a thing. It's the oldest tale in the book! If he's really moving out and wants to be with you then he won't mind doing this.
He said he has packed half a suitcase up till now and is thinking of the best time to tell his wife .... he's just worried she'll get all hysterical, he doesn't want a scene or the neighbors to know.
I'd take your time over this decision bluwave. Also, be very cautious & prepared for him to do the same to you one day.......
I say that, as I know of two women who have taken in married men, only for one of them to go back to his wife & the other, dumping her for an even younger model.
No, not at all. He just doesn't want them to hear his hysterical wife screaming and crying. He;s thinking of her you understand, typical of him. He's very caring and considerate.
wait for him to move out first, wait till he has moved out, got himself somewhere to live (not your place) and broke off his ties.
if they have kids then expect the kids to be important to him so he will continue his involvement with them at least, if he isnt that bothered about the kids then he is an @rsehole, either way let him prove it before you tear off your knickers..because he might be just after a quick fumble before he goes home to his missus, he will feed you any old cr@p to get you in the sack.
doesn't want the neighbours to know??? That's a new one!
I'm sorry, but I find your attitude " I don't care about his wife, she's an ignoramus" to be very callous. You've only heard his side of the story, I'm willing to bet that if you hears hers, he wouldn't be all that impressive anymore.
1. Let him to leave her first
2. Let him setlle in somewhere
3. Let him simmer for a while
4. Let him know that you might date him if he has sorted his head and dependancy issues out
5. Wait 6 months and if he is still single, then give it a go.
If he and his wife live anywhere near Doc Spock, chances are the neighbours already know all about it, it has probably been discussed at the Residents Association, there has been a thread on AB about it as well as a letter sent to the Daily Mail.
He;s packing his bags to get away from the wife, (he hid the half packed one undr the bed) maybe move into another city or something until we can figure out what to do.... maybe runaway and have a secret wedding in Venice or something.