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What are the chances

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Doc Spock | 23:56 Tue 28th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
34 Answers
of me waking up tomorrow and being nice to everyone.

I feel a spell of melancholy coming on,are there tablets I could take.


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Ive heard "calms" are ok to take, i say this with tongue in cheek- lol
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Hi Pat, I shall certainly try some.
Hope you are well.
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I blame everything on my dear old Dad, passed away 1982.

He was a miserable bad temperered old git, I fear I am going the same way.
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Every morning my Dad would get out of bed , look in the mirror and smile, just to get it over with.
I believe you know quite a lot about the dungeon from what I have seen, thumb screws and the rack are too good for you. I suggest the tablets for you would be a a box of ex-lax that would shift the c**p out of you.
Late at night I feel melancholy.
A nights sleep usually sorts me out, so I can be a bad tempered old bitch in the morning...

Only be nice to people if you have a birthday coming up!
OOOO Puss , there wouldnt be anything left of doc if he had the whole box ! lol , think calms might mellow him..
Play some of your nice music Doc , that must make you feel good :-)
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Not like you puss from what I have seen from your posts.

However I am in a good mood so I shall let you have this one for free.

Dont make a habit of it though.
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hi bigmamma, this works for me.
Treading a fine line there doc with all us women on here...
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I was 19 when that came out. Where have all the years (43) gone since then.
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Now Pat you know I love all you ladies out there.
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Treat yourself, pure class. Takes me back.

Well Doc as you may have gathered I usually leave you alone as I can't be bothered getting into the....' banter ' that you so obvIously enjoy...have you nothing else to do....what does your poor wife..if you have one, think..poor poor soul thats all I can say.
Gosh it's a while since I was 19 too Doc
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She has gone to play bingo with her friend.

She should be back soon to make my supper.

What do you mean "poor soul"

I bought her a new bag and belt to-day.

The vac works perfect now.
Lol !!!!
If you have a wife doc she must be a saint ( joke) are you really as grumpy as you say ? I dont think you are...
Be back to make your supper !!! dont you know where the kitchen is? and while im at it test the hoover out eh?

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