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What are the chances

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Doc Spock | 23:56 Tue 28th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
34 Answers
of me waking up tomorrow and being nice to everyone.

I feel a spell of melancholy coming on,are there tablets I could take.


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Not grumpy at all Pat. It would be very interesting to meet all the people here in person.

It is just a facade to provoke a response.

Is. that the right word.

It was great being a teenager in the 60's.

Would not swop that for the world.
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Womens work that Pat, I am the old fashioned type . Well i used to be old fashioned.
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One of the first records I bought, I was 12.
Are you new fashion now Doc? Are you trendy then? ;-)
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Cut away collar and flairs, i AM the new look.
lets see a photo of the real you ;-)
Haven't heard that one Doc , before my time maybe ?
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Johnny Duncan and the bluegrass boys, you couldn't make it up could you.
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Society I shall find one of me as a Teddy Boy.
i'll be back in 10 minutes. take your time.
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Thought you were suffering from short term memory loss for a minute there Doc
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Senior moment bigm, I get a lot lately.

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