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Things that go bump

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bigmamma | 13:43 Sun 02nd Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
I was suddenly awoken by a black cat pushing my bedroom door open at 4am.It scared me out of my skin , I don't have a cat.!!! It was a neighbours one which must have come in after my dog at 11.30pm . What crazy cat would enter the house where a big dog lives , and why on earth didn't my dog smell it !!! She was in the lounge room and the cat must have been hidden when I put the lights out and went to bed.
What , if anything, has scared you in the middle of the night ?


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It may sound a little strange but i have been awoken by hands touching my face, i have been disturbed by a clock falling off the wall onto me and even though i don't go to sleep for very long, on one occasion were i did manage to be asleep for some time i was awoken by a foul burning smell.
I went downstairs and on entering the kitchen, i had left the oven on!!!!!!!
Smoke everywere and on closer inspection, i had destroyed a steak pie.
Also my friend has had her neighbours cat come in through the door before and go upstairs and get on her bed.
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Crossroads , hands, spooky , they weren't your own though were they ? That steak pie didn't stand a chance did it .....
In our last house, we were wakened at 4am which sounded like there had been a blast of some description.
I jumped up and looked out of the window.
A new neighbour had been having a house warming party and all the young ones were so drunk that they panned every window in.
It was like a scene fron world war 11.
The owner of the house went about her daily routine the next day as if nothing had happened.
Glad to say, we no longer live there anymore.
its usually my cat, thinking its funny to jump on me, or by someone trying to get in through the back door, that's happened a few times now
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Oh cruella, the little devils, that would be awful to live near
Bet you couldn't wait to move away :-) x
Iknow what you mean about your back door mccfluff, I get the odd drunk trying my front door as they are rolling home to the wrong house :-) x
Yes bigM, my house is haunted' i have experience a few other things but as this is a family site i don't think they are appropriate.
Oh and i was woken up at about 2AM this morning by a loud bang, it turned out to be my neighbour finishing off the new fencing outside!
(according to him, he was "getting it done before the wife got back". Some strange but nice people in the world.
I got woken up by a rustling sound which was a bit puzzling although I did have loose papers next to the bed. Having got up and closed the windows, got back to sleep and got woken up again, put the light on. Discovered a frog inside a carrier bag, my kitten had brought it in as a present!
I was living abroad at one time and woke when an insect a bit like a grasshopper got in my hair and started kicking.

I think I took off vertically with the duvet going one way and me the other. I landed in a perfecty karate pose, ready to fight.

Took me a while to get back to sleep!
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That was very thoughtful of your kitten I must say , not so good to find it in the night though eh Fiona_F ? :-)
Lol Panic Button , I would have really panicked at that , cringe thinking about it !!! You turned into the Karate Kid
ready to attack Grasshopper ...:-) ....Wipe left....wipe right....
I always leave my bedroom window open for my cat.She usually comes in around 2am and frightens me to death.
A few years ago we had an earthquake in the night,that literally went bump.
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Hi hau kola , nice to see you , hope you are well. It was a case of snap with our feet size , pleased I am not the only one with smaller feet , they keep me balanced enough anyway.
I can imagine your cat comes in and startles you at odd times . This neighbours cat must have almost followed my dog in through the back door !
An earthquake , wow , that would wake you up with a fright ,
or should I say bump.:-) x
Years ago when I lived with my mum and dad in the middle of the night the stereo shot on full blast. It made us jump but oddly we wasn't scared as we didn't think anyone on a rob job would stop for a dance. Don't know what it was though, we just went down (my dad last from recollection!!!) and switched it off!!
Yes im well thanks BM,just done a couple of hours at work,meeting parents of the new starters.
The quake was a shock,a few things were trown from shelves and the whole Close congregated outside to see what was going on.
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Beads , I bet that made you jump , it would have frightened me for ages trying to figure out how it came on by itself :-0
Youv'e been to work hau kola , not a restful lazy Sunday the love. Out of interest , where were you living where the earthquake was , sounds a fair size one :-)
Im in Worcestershire.Cant remember the year(early 2000s)but it was a sunday night/monday moring.The epicentre was Dudley so its googleable.It was on GMTV the next day.

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Things that go bump

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