I have a friend well collegue actually who has been single for best part of 10 years she ever since has only as she puts it had f*ck biddies' she says she hates men as from a bad past experience, and now says she uses them.
I know of about 5 or 6 f*ck buddies she has they are all single, i was intrigued as to how she arranges these f*ck biddies so asked her recently how she said she texts them and says im feeling very h0rny fancy a sh*g? and that thats they arrange a time and bobs your uncle.
Now personally i would never do this as 1 im in a relastionship only ever had 2 one my ex and can not contemplating ever wanting to do this i would feel degraded etc., however on the other hand, if she is not hurting anyone i.e both single and concenting who am i to judge her.
Her morals though have alot to be disred for i would say.