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Dilemma = help!

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who dee knee | 19:17 Thu 06th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
138 Answers
About 10 years ago, I had a one night stand with a celebrity. I have not seen him since.

I am now going to work on a production with him - he is the boss of the company.

If this were a normal job, I would just turn it down, but it is only for a few months, and he is pretty famous so I am keen to do this as he has industry weight and obviously anything he is connected with will probably do well - so it is good for my career.

However - how do act towards him?

Obviously I will not be winking at him or anything forward, lol, but seriously, do I act like we have never met before and say nothing, or do I be polite and perhaps in private acknowledge it and assure him that no-one knows and it will not affect the production?
Should I wait and see if he says anything?
He may not even remember himself! Though we did spend an evening and night together, so he likely will.

He is now married ( though after a bit of research on dates etc, I suspect he may have been married at the time, though I didn't know it then - or at least going out with her - I may be wrong, I am just guessing)

I am going to a meeting next week, and I will of course be professional, but I just feel a bit weird and nervous about it.

I also am concerned that as soon as he recognises me I may be 'let go' for some random reason.
I don't want him to worry that it will be spoken about to anyone else.

I have no feelings whatsoever for him and have no intention of causing him any pain

Can anyone give me any advice of the best course of action?

Thank You


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if I go to work tomorrow and someone gets who the celeb is i want you to email bez who will ring me at wotk!!!! If it is andrew lincoln i am not pleased ! tut.

Is his wife's father a famous actor or politician or sportsman? Or just famous for being loaded?
jno what hollywood film as TB been in and which TV drama? i am confused now
I said some of the clues were delliberately misleading, dot. He was in The Queen, just not exactly in person. And there was that TV drama about him and Brown, can't remember the name now.
You're askin' for a slap at this rate laurence, Boo smells money possibly coming her way, do not thwart my evil plan 'ere!

And can you hurry up and get back to me soon who dee knee? I'm going to have to go to bed soon, and if my suggestion is favourable i might as well wake Mr Boo and tell him he's being replaced at the same time.
Dotty.....I'll be still sitting here with matches in me eyes trying to work it

but it's ok ......the dog will give me a

Did i say they could'nt sleep with anyone then.

i merely pointed out that she {dee knee} is bull sh!ting.

was it called 'Tony and Godon's excellent adventure?
she knows me really dot.

How did you rumble it
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paulsabin, I mentioned his celebrity because it is much more of an issue for him if this got out. He has more reason to hide this. He also has a lot of clout due to his fame, which is why I don't want ot do anything that may upset or worry him.
Also because it is film and tv.
Though perhaps I could have just said very successful or something, but what difference does me telling the truth make? I have given all the facts - why hide something that could change opinion?

Anyone who thinks I am lying, kindly make your way to the exit, and leave me with the people who actually want to help.

laurence - life happens, things happen, grow up.
you're welcome to think so, laurence, but how many hours do you propose to spend telling her so? Don't you think you're getting a teeny bit obsessed with someone whose only sin is to sleep with Tony Blair?
I guess your right jno lol

Tony blair?

Well i never

Goodnight all

Rot in hell slapper {dee knee}
How would it get out. Apart from you telling a load of strangers on the internet that is?
no it's not tony, he was seeing me 10 years ago, I think it is a rock stars daughter
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Thank you jno, and all of you for helping. I think actually I am more determined to put the past behind me and stop worrying - like some said, he may not even recognise me, and hopefully even if he does, he will be adult and professional about it.
After all the world must be full of people in similar situations who just get on with things.

But Tony flamin' Blair!
No, but he's defo top of my 'client, gold digger, hooker bla bla list'

Boo, will robson out of robson and jerome do you?
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"rot in hell" ? Bit over the top isn't it laurence? Are you sure those pills are not past their sell by date? Are the demons coming to get you?

Goodnight Lozzer my sweet prince.
(you are on my list too)

Paulsabin - I don't know! I am confused and don't know what to do! That is why I asked. If I knew all the answers I wouldn't be here would I?
My mind is just playing out awful scenarios and I just thought some words from others might help.
I just thought I'd spell out the story.
And I am not going to name him.

You guys can guess all you like - you may have already named him, but like I said I can't confirm, sorry.
Robson? He's the smaller ferrety faced one isn't he? ummm, yeah ok, like i said, im no longer fussy.

I take it that's my cue to wrestle my teeth from the dog then?
it's not robson green he ainlt made a hollywood film, it's still looking favourite to be andew linccln but if ir is i shall be very very annoyed.

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