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If you could be famous...

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Goodsoulette | 14:00 Mon 10th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
52 Answers
what would you want to be famous for?



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Finding a cure for cancer
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nice one Lambert. I was gonna go for rock star but I feel all shallow now.

If you do find a cure could you develop it and make it cheap please.
i was going to put what lambert had after hearing news I just have
I want to be infamous.. :0)
It was a t o s s up between that,bringing about world peace and ending world poverty goodsoulette,
oh, and it would be free (in a perfect world)
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Sounds like you have had bad news 4get. Much hugs x

China Doll, yay, can it be for marrying really old men and taking all their money. I have suggestions on where you can start!
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Too late goodsoulette, China knows I'm already married lol
Johnlambert, good answer but if you did find a cure, we wouldn't benefit from it becuase the NHS wouldn't be able to supply it to anyone, too costly!
Crack on GS, that femme fatal role might suit me.
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What was the film where the woman went around smothering men to death with her gigantic breasts? That was hilarious.
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That film good was Deadly Weapons, starring Chesty Morgan.

You can get it free here
Shooting Sean Tully live ( or dead) on that ridiculous anthony cotton show.
"finding a cure for cancer" my �rse!
Famous for starting the Peace Pirates movement, a group of geurrilla do-gooders who sailed from country to country helping people build and irregate their lands, stamping out oppressors and aggressors through shared consciousness, using the mediums of banging hard tekk from within a force field of love. Eventually the seed grew into a tree and world peace hung from its branches.....the shipping lanes were awash with activists and the sun shone on their happy bobbing ships.
well yes. Good and bad. My mate has told me she's pregnant but also the father of baby thinks he has cancer.

and I'd be famous for inventing the culturater
What's a culturater forgetmenot?
well I dont know do I? I havent invented it yet, jeez give me a chance. lol
...for being famous

Well I'm sure Vincent Van Gogh would have preferred 15 minutes of fame and money to any posthumous cred as a genius.

The nature of this question implicitly places acclaim above personal deeds. Then again nobody is famous for their humilty.

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