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wake up you lot

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oldgrape | 09:14 Tue 11th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
80 Answers
am i the only one a wake on this site come on lazy bones!
My son woke me at 5.00 and is now having a morning nap
i cant go back to sleep now cause i'm completely awake
So u lot where ru
Wheres the questions???


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I'm here! Been awake since about 6. Cockerels started crowing at 4am (bless 'em) and I just dozed till alarm went off. One of the cats is still asleep. I've made bacon sarnies for my son's lunch (I fancy one myself, now..) & I'm off out to do the livestock in a mo', but just having a cuppa, so thought I'd log in & see who's about as well. It's a beautiful day here & I'm going shopping later.
Glad I'm not the only early riser!!
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morning Kleiber its raining here in essex
i'd love a bacon sarnie ummmmmm with ketchup though
Makes a change for us to have some decent weather - it's usually throwing it down here. It's not warm, though - very "autumnal" (I love that word!). Yesterday, I noticed the leaves falling quite fast from the trees and most of the wild fruits are gone now, except the elderberries and blackberries. But still - it's one of those lovely, golden mornings that make you appreciate being alive. (I'm waxing lyrical, now..ha ha) K xx
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Glad your sorry positive i'm still in dozy land
My one year old is snoring his head off oh to be that young again
morning, i'm up just waiting for the leccy's to get here
morning, wipes sleep from eyes
Good morning Oldgrape. You ok?x
I was going to go back to bed after having another restless night with my son but I'm wide awake now so no chance of going back to sleep :)
I'm here!!! :O)

At work dispite my roof falling in last night and having to emergency evacuate and only having the clothes I am sitting in now!!!!
My boss cant say I'm not dedicated today can he?!?! :O)
Oh thats doesnt sound good girly. XX
well I;ve been posted answers and questions for past quarter hour only to find they arent there. Guess I'm back in dungeon again. And I though ED loved me after doing my suggestion yesterday :-( I had written girlygirl that doesnt sound too good
hi forget ... you been a naughty girl again ? have a nice day in the cell .. watch out for the rats ..i never did get my knickers back ... if you find them i dont mind you wearing them lol ...hello old grape what a lovely day it is here sun is out shame i have to go to work ..enjoy your day every one .xx
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morning every1 hi katie77 sorry taken so long 2 reply my son woke up and discovered which button turns the pc off and he thought it was hilarious
he is now on my lap laughing at the sound of the keyboard
Im here now Ive got my daughter off to school. Having said that though, Im off out again for a midwifes appointment lol Try not to miss me too much folks ;)
hi oldgrape. Im sat at my desk feeling sleepy as it took until 11pm to get my 2 year old off to sleep last night. Luckily daddy went to him at 4am when he cried. I had tried to get to bed at 8pm too as i was soooooo tired.

Girlygirl, was all ok at meeting yesterday? I hope house isnt that bad and that you are home soon xx

Im so tired i may just nod of on my keyboard
"So u lot where ru"

"Wheres the questions"

You're not getting the hang of the English language are you ?
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shock horror d!ck head has arrived
Are you an english teacher GOD i'd hate to live near you
Do you tell people in the street when they arent speaking to your standard
You sound like the sort of person who tells people off 4 walking on the grass or sloughing
get a grip
Morning smi_ffy. How are you on this beautiful September morning?x
Not at all. BTW, I would class your post as chat, wouldn't you? Not really a question is it?
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the question i was asking was
Where is everybody and trying to find out if i was the only one awake
you are now having a chat with me and not answering the question
pot calling the kettle black i think

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wake up you lot

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