My sister has gone away for a week checked house to-day and found pics of her sons girlfriend topless on PC. Would you like to see them , it will embarrass them to death.
Doc you could well cause a family row if anyone finds out...if this is real then I feel so sorry for the poor girl, if it gets out it could really ruin the relationship between her and your nephew. Do you not have a heart?! :(
The thing about Spock is he actually doesn't care, his skin is as thick as concrete, there is not a sensitive bone in his body. To him, waving a cyber penis on a family site is ok. In the next breath he will be lecturing about morals and pontificating about society. He is a menace of the worst kind. I would happily shoot such as him (along with the magpies).
No it is not 'only a pair of tits' you ghastly dirty half-wit.
It's the whole issue of what you think is ok to post on here with a nudge nudge wink wink. It is not ok to post it on here. Kids use this site. Banter fine, Smut - go away.
yes it's only a pair of boobs, but the fact of the matter is that they are her boobs, and therefore it's for her to decide if she wants some sad old men leering at them, not you.
I'd be very very careful too if i were you, I'm not totally sure that what you've just done is legal.
How you have the gall to preach about morals when you do something like this just beggars belief.
and no, i've no problem with page 3 models, infact I admire them being able to make money for doing next to nothing. But i'm sure even they'd be ****** off if their boyfriends randy old uncle posted pics of them on the net without their knowledge.
I'd suggest you get a grip, but i've a horrible feeling you already have.