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oldgrape | 10:52 Tue 18th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
28 Answers
i have one child and would give anything for another!
my other half wants no more and won't even discuss it,
do you think it's wrong to accidentally forget to take a contraception pill!


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lol confused i'll willingly swap i feel that i need one more child as some1 mentioned earlier if my man will not provide me with another then i have to think of my options
my partner loves the thought of baby making, he says one more wont make much difference!!!!!!! we have 4 boys between us.

Im sure he would love to swap too lol :-)
Good point littlemiss I guess no-one even thinks about that. If the bloke doesn�t want kids he should be wearing protection and then he wouldn�t get trapped. So really could be his own fault if he was.
indeed. makes me angry when they expect the woman to stuff the pills down her neck. anyway, my hubby wants one, he just doesnt understand they dont make themselves, he has to have sex with me first lol
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ow littlemiss you made me chuckle hee hee
no its your body and your life if you give in to him he gets his way and vice versa be stong girl and let the accident commence!
Of course it's wrong! For a start you have called in Entrapment!

You need to be prepared that if you do this, he may not want anything to do with the child. May not want to be with you anymore and then you are alone and pregnant and with a child already.

Just because us women can do this and it leaves us in control it does not mean we should! It's an awful thing to do to someone and if the tables were turned and you didn't want a child but your partner did and he replaced your pills with dummy ones... You'd be furious!

You need to talk to him about it. As far as I'm concerned it will become an obsession if you don't talk to him about it soon and then the relationship won't be about you and him, it will be all about you wanting a baby.

Do you really love him and want to be with him? If you did then there is no way you would consider decieving him in this way because you'd respect that he doesn't want another child.
Oldgrape, not sure you are being totally honest here. Surely with another child, it is going to mean an upset to the whole household, not just you. Crying and feeding and not being able to give attention to other people in the house, it is not just you that this is all going to affect. I think you need to sit down and really discuss it with Mr OG. if he doesn't want another one then I think you should respect this and be happy that you already have a lovely child and a step child and a father that cares and is there for you all. There is also the cost of it all. It could all go haywire if he has made his point and then you say again "but I was on the pill, it must have been an accident" ! Yeah right.

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