Hows your day been? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Hows your day been?

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skyep | 16:36 Fri 21st Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
Has your day been good for your body and soul? Or the oposite. I finished work, went to the local hospital for a blood test, then got on a bus that took me a very long and winding road home filled with school kids and a barking dog that was being teased by the kids. Their conversation went something like, ' so have you got enough money for some white ace/ lightning tonight, it'll get you well drunk' So glad to get home lol!!!
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Mines been a reasonable day. Weve had a lot of good publicity with work and enquiries are flooding in but it means im very busy.
Im working from home today so come 5 im turning off the PC and getting a much needed cup of tea.
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red - I'd love to work from home! I'm just having a lager to chill out after that bus journey! :0)
I remember those days well :) it was lager, cider and blackcurrant juice that we used to drink. We thought we were cool :)
It was my day off today so it was just the usual housework and stuff. Going for a curry later on , so looking forward to that.
i doubt you would skyep. I have a 2 year old to keep occupied at the same time.
My days in the main office are a break for me (and him) lol
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Do youth clubs still exist? Or am I in a time warp? I suppose there isn't that much for kids to do but hang around and experiment.
Ive done jack sh1t today. Nothing watched a load of films. Eaten a ton of choccies and drunk too much coffee and smoked to many cigarettes.
Woke up with morning sickness, got stuck in traffic got to my meeting feeling sick and came home to a pile of dishes! So glad it's Friday!
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red - Poor you! Things are never as they seem are they! I think life can be quite stressful these days, just to earn a wage and get by!
Hi skyep , hope your blood test comes back ok . It's been a drizzly dark and windy day weatherwise here , I got up around lunch time as I am having one of my not so well days today . :-)
lol andrea, I can relate to the MS bit. Im hoping to sleep most of weekend just to retain some energy
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Goodsoulette, swap your day for mine!
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andrea - How many months are you? Not projectile vomiting I hope, like in the exorcist lol!!!
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Hi bigmamma- Hey, how are you? Are you not well? Come and have some of my slow cooker pork and mashed potatoes!!!! If you're near, I'll put another plate out! xxx
Yes skyep youth clubs still exsist today. But i think some of the kids of today are trying to grow up too quick, which is a shame.
Andrea that doesn't sound too good i was lucky in that with both my pregnancies i never suffered with morning sickness. I got of lightly :)
Hi Bigmamma hope your feeling better now :)
Thankyou for the offer skyep , sounds delish :-) x
Hi louisa , just having an off day and spending it being totally immobile almost , lol. :-) x
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bigmamma - Arthritis?
Terrible, I've just found out Pizzahut have stopped doing THE EDGE. : (
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mountain - What's the edge?
Yes skyep , and spondylosis (sp) , ...mountainboo , what is the edge ? Is it the filled crust ?
Whats the edge???? Only the best pizza base in the world. There is no crust, its cut into 16 pieces of heaven, and they've taken it away from me

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