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What's biting me?

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Katy May | 11:58 Sun 23rd Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
21 Answers
For the last month, when I wake up in the morning I have 3-4 bites on my neck/arms/legs/body. Insect repellant reduces the number of bites but not all. Can't find any mozzies in the room, not any sign of bed bugs. Have got cats but they've all been deflea'd recently and the first sign is usually bites on my ankles, which i haven't had. My partner hasn't had any bites at all. I know it's the bedroom as was away for a few days and had no poblems at all. Am so fed up with being itchy and freaked out by thought of something feeding of me at night! Any ideas?


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I think you should consult with a dermatologist. May be it is a skin problem. If the doctor said it happens due to bites of any insect then you should consult with a pest control company because they are the best people who will help you in this regard.

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